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Bug#178132: xserver-xfree86: x server won't start if `xtt' module is enabled

On Fri, Jan 24, 2003 at 10:40:46AM +0900, Miles Bader wrote:
> I got queried to reconfigure my xserver when I upgraded today*, and when
> it a asked for a list of modules to load, I selected `xtt' because it
> said it was used for east-asian font rendering (which I need).
> [* Incidentally, it had no useful defaults, I had to fill in everything
>    from scratch -- which seems odd, since as far as I can tell, my existing
>    XF86Config-4 file was created by debconf]

Well, this report was already closed, but I would point out:

Template: xserver-xfree86/config/modules
Type: multiselect
Choices: GLcore, bitmap, dbe, ddc, dri, extmod, freetype, glx, int10, record, speedo, type1, vbe, xtt
Default: GLcore, bitmap, dbe, ddc, dri, extmod, freetype, glx, int10, record, speedo, type1, vbe


 The bitmap, freetype, speedo, type1, and xtt modules are all font
 rasterizers.  The freetype and xtt modules should not be enabled at the same
 time, as they are incompatible.  The freetype module should be used for
 Western languages and anti-aliased font support; the xtt module should be
 used for East Asian character set support (specifically, for CID-keyed
 If you unsure what to do, leave all of the modules enabled except xtt.
 Advanced users may wish to disable all modules -- in which case no Modules
 section will be written to the X server configuration file -- and add their
 own Modules section to the file manually.

This means that if all the modules were unchecked, it probably wasn't my
fault.  The debconf database may have been corrupted, or you may have at
some point manually unchecked them all.

It also means that you ignored an explicit exhortation against doing
exactly what you did.

G. Branden Robinson                |     "Why do we have to hide from the
Debian GNU/Linux                   |      police, Daddy?"
branden@debian.org                 |     "Because we use vi, son.  They use
http://people.debian.org/~branden/ |      emacs."

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