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Re: XF4.2 packages think Alt is Meta

     I'm testing the XFree86 4.2 packages, and the first thing I noticed
   (within a few seconds of setting them up) is that none of my keybindings
   work; for instance, the one I use to pop up a new xterm (Alt-t) or the
   one I use to move windows (Meta-Button1).

     A few seconds of experimentation revealed the problem: the new X
   version maps my Alt key to Meta; Alt now works for Meta bindings, and
   the Alt bindings seem to be completely inaccessible.

Your window manager is buggy.  In 4.2, the ``Alt'' key carries both
Alt and Meta modifiers.

  $ xmodmap -pk | grep Alt

You should submit a bug report to the window-manager's maintainer.


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