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Re: Mouse hangs in 4.1.0-9

On Thu, Nov 01, 2001 at 03:30:33AM -0600, Tom Joseph wrote:
> With -9pre10v1 the problem gets worse; the mouse and keyboard become hung 
> right when X starts, every time I've tried to start it - I can't even get a 
> chance to use kdm to login, I have to ssh in from another box to kill X - and 
> sometimes even when X is killed the keyboard still doesn't work at the text 
> console.  Downgrading to -9 restored the less problematic state described 
> above, which makes it seem to me like it has something to do with packaging.

There were no changes to any of the X server or library code between -9
and -9pre10v1.  Why not read the changelog and see for yourself?

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Debian GNU/Linux                   |    that reading it will cause an
branden@debian.org                 |    aneurysm.  This is not that .sig.
http://people.debian.org/~branden/ |

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