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Re: Problems with xfree86 4.0.1d - Compac Armada 1500c (CT69000+DSTN)

On Wed, Nov 08, 2000 at 10:19:28PM -0500, Dan Christensen wrote:
> 4.0.1e, as packaged in 4.0.1-2, works for me!  It's a good thing, as
> 48 hours without X was almost more than I could take.  :-)

I'm very glad to hear this.

> One interesting thing is that it seems I really do have a C&T69000,
> even though my documentation says I have a 65555 and that is also what
> worked with X 3.x.x.

When in doubt, trust the PCI id's...

That's what the 4.x server uses.  Chipset manufacturers can and will be
deceptive about EXACTLY what you have, dickering around under the hood of a
chip for years and yet never changing the name.  For instance, there are
lots of chips out there called "Mach64", many of which bear little
resemblance to each other.

> - When I switch to a virtual console, it is quite dim.  This goes away
>   if I suspend and resume my machine, but it didn't happen before.
>   Any idea what's going on?

This sounds like a problem with VGA textmode restoration.  Definitely

> - My xterms show up with black backgrounds and white text.  Putting
>   XTerm*reverseVideo: true (or false) in my .Xresources and -merging it
>   doesn't help (although it did cause the reverseVideo menu entry to
>   get ticked).  But if I -load my .Xresources, then I get reverse
>   video.  It seems like the foreground and background settings from
>   app-defaults/XTerm-color are being applied after foreground and
>   background are switched.

Well, I did change the XTerm defaults to be gray90-on-black for 4.x.

The reverseVideo option works kind of strangely.  I won't even try to
explain it because I don't really understand it myself.  I suggest just
editing /etc/X11/app-defaults/XTerm-color (a conffile) to change the colors
to your preference.

> - Icons in my fvwm button-bar which are supposed to have transparent
>   backgrounds are showing up with black backgrounds.

This could very well be an upstream server bug.

> - My xdm.log contains:
>     xdm error (pid 11747): SetPerClientControls failed

I've seen this too; it seems to be harmless, but I don't know where it
comes from.

>     rm: cannot remove `/var/run/xconsole.pid': No such file or directory
>   Any idea what this is?

This stuff is managed by /etc/X11/xdm/{Xstartup,Xsetup,Xreset}.  Also

> - What's a good way to test the speed of the X server?  This is just
>   out of curiosity.

x11perf is the canonical tool, but I've never used it myself, and don't
know how.

> Thanks for all the help people provided while I was trying to get
> this working!  And thanks to Branden for putting it all together!

Glad to hear things are getting better.

G. Branden Robinson             |    The key to being a Southern Baptist:
Debian GNU/Linux                |    It ain't a sin if you don't get caught.
branden@debian.org              |    -- Anthony Davidson
http://www.debian.org/~branden/ |

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