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Re: Language setting on your website(s)

On Thu, 2022-02-03 at 08:24 +0100, Hans Kilian wrote:

> I was wondering if you could make it possible to set the user's
> preferred language on your site?

This is already possible, there are several ways to do this:

Set your preferred language in your desktop session and use a browser
that detects this and passes the language on to the website.

Set your preferred language in a browser that passes the language on to
the website.


Set your preferred language using an extension that overrides the
default browser choice of language, possibly differently for each site.


Set a Debian language cookie overriding browser language settings. 


Click on the individual translations at the bottom of each page:


> I've read the explanation on how it works (with the browser's
> preferred language setting), but I feel that that is a poor solution
> - at least in my case.

It sounds like you missed the cookie based override mechanism,
please let us know where you looked for language overrides,
so that we can improve the discoverability of the override.

> My preferred language is danish for most content, but for technical
> content, I prefer english. The reason is that most technical terms
> are in english. I've also spotted numerous spelling and grammar
> errors in the danish translation on your site and they distract me
> from the content.

If you would like to contribute fixes for Danish translation issues
within Debian, please refer to these pages for our website/wiki:




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