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(ko) Apply for webwml write access

Hello everyone,

I'm Korean translator. In Korean team, we need more reviewer and
committor for webwml. So i would like to recommend one man. The name is
Seunghun Han. He is for long time Linux user. Also he  has contributed
to Linux Kernel with security patches. For now he is giving Korean team
"Big Thanks" with translating in Debian. Day by day, i am happy to work
with him. He works hard translating in Debian. 

It would be greatly appreciated if you could grant him(Seunghun) the
write access to the webwml repository.

Seunghun's account in Salsa is @kkamagui-guest ;;;

Sincerely, Byung-Hee

^고맙습니다 _救濟蒼生_ 감사합니다_^))//

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