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Re: Please, don’t “rename” files


David Prévot <taffit@debian.org> wrote:
> Hi,
> Le 14/07/2013 04:17, Holger Wansing a écrit :
> > Why keep an old […] URL?
> Because we can’t change external links pointing to our own website, and
> making existing URL fall into 404 is just bad practice. Please, provide
> the needed Redirect setup to deploy in all www.d.o mirrors before
> breaking any further URL (unless you’ve double checked there is no
> external link pointing to the old one).

So would it be a possible compromise of this pros and cons, to keep
the old file and copy it to the new name, too? Resulting in the old
(probably outdated) content sitting in <old_url> and the new content in 

Another aspect of this discussion: how to deal with companies which have
requested to be removed from the list? Removing their file would also result
in an 404 on debian site. So keep that files, too? 
And what about the translations, if such exist?


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