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Translation status' broken by smart_change.pl ?


David Prévot <taffit@debian.org> wrote:
> If you're referring to my */CD/faq/index.wml commit, it only was, as
> stated in the commit log:
> 	./smart_change.pl -p \
> 		-s 's/\{Linux\|Hurd\}/{Linux|Hurd|kFreeBSD}/' \
> 		english/CD/faq/index.wml
> in order to fix your previous incomplete commit made more than three
> hours before. 

This is one of my changings to english/CD/faq/index.wml:

--- index.wml	2012/01/16 17:35:43	1.110
+++ index.wml	2012/04/10 09:58:08	1.111
@@ -70,7 +70,7 @@
   for discussion particular to using those images.</li>
   <li><a href="http://lists.debian.org/debian-user/";>debian-user</a>:
-  General support list for users of Debian GNU/Linux. Focus is
+  General support list for users of Debian. Focus is
   more on problems encountered after a successful installation,
   when using the system. There are also several lists for
   non-English speakers, in <a href="http://lists.debian.org/debian-user-catalan/";>Catal&agrave;</a>,
@@ -753,7 +753,7 @@
 use the following scheme to ensure interchangeability:</p>
 <div class="cdflash">
-      <p>Debian GNU/{Linux|Hurd}
+      <p>Debian GNU/{Linux|Hurd|kFreeBSD}
       &lt;version&gt;[&lt;revision&gt;]<br />Official
       {&lt;architecture&gt;} {CD|DVD|BD}-&lt;number&gt;</p>

And your smart_change.pl commit has set the
translation-check header in the bulgarian file to "1.111".
So the translator has no need to look into this.

But the first of the changings is not yet done in Bulgarian,
because only a bulgarian speaking person can do that.
Which is why I didn't changed the number in the header.

I don't know how this smart_change script works.
But there might be something broken now...
I didn't check any other languages.


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