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Re: consultants: some proposal on german entries


Luca Capello <luca@pca.it> wrote:
> On Wed, 19 Oct 2011 21:19:47 +0200, Holger Wansing wrote:
> > My questions are still not answered though.
> Given that it seems I was not clear enough: I am a DD and, despite being
> also a member of the Events team, I speak only for myself.
> > Should international phone numbers be always used?
> Yes.
> > Or should we use that numbers, which are provided by the consultants (which
> > could result in a wide range of formats)?
> No.
> > That's for which I asked for the opinion of the team.
> Which team?  The WWW team or the people behind consultants?  AFAIK for
> similar "subprojects" (e.g. the Events pages) the WWW team leaves the
> final decision to the subproject members.
> In this case, Giuseppe was the only one to reply.  If you want the
> opinion of the other consultants listed at [1][2], feel free to Cc: them
> or at the least the consultants@d.o address, I do not think reading
> debian-www@l.d.o is mandatory (it is not for the Events team).
> [1] <http://www.debian.org/intro/organization>
> [2] Giuseppe is not listed there and this should be corrected.
> > Not much interest though...
> If the information does not reach the correct people they can not show
> interest...

I thought the debian-www team is responsible for this.

So, dear members of the consultants subproject:

On http://www.debian.org/consultants/ I found different formats
for the phone numbers.
Should that be changed to a consistent format?
Should always an international phone number be listed (even if the
consultant only provided a national number?)
Should the relevant consultants be contacted due to this question?


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