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How to express bullet lists


some quick look into the packages files I found out that (at least)
four different ways to notate bullet lists in long descriptions.
Developers us '-', '+', '*' or '=' signs to mark the beginning of
some list (that whould have been an \begin{itemize} in LaTeX or
<ul> in HTML).  The intention and the need of the authors is clear
but it is at least not reflected in the tools we are using.
Obtained from a quick look tools like apt-cache, aptitude or
synaptic do not reformat the text and thus it works as expected.
But if you look at the package description at packages.debian.org
the layout is disturbed.

On the other hand


is perfectly formatted on the web pages.   It seems to be according
to the fact that parts of the description where a line starts with
two spaces are wrapped into <pre> tags in the HTML code.  This
could be used as workaround.  (Did I missed some documentation of this

So my question is: Do you think that inventing some structured text
like syntax for the purpose of list environments.

Kind regards



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