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Bug#474730: www.debian.org: cannot link to DSA without knowing year

On Mon, 7 Apr 2008 15:45:01 +0200, "Nico Golde" <nion@debian.org> said:
> Hi era,
> * era eriksson <era@iki.fi> [2008-04-07 15:24]:
> > There appears to be no way to link to a DSA page without knowing in
> > which year the DSA was published.  Could you please set up a rewrite
> > rule such that http://security.debian.org/dsa/1234-1 links to the 
> > right place?  This is valuable for people who want to create 
> > bookmarklets or wiki links to DSA notices.

I meant to say that I obviously can't dictate how this should be
implemented (rewrite rule is just one possibility) or what exactly the
"yearless" URL should be (/dsa/<id> would seem natural, but maybe you
want something else), but I wanted to suggest something concrete just to
make the bug report clear.

> I agree that this would be nice, as a workaround you could 
> use: http://security-tracker.debian.net/tracker/DSA-<number> 
> until this is fixed.

Thanks for this tip!  I tried to google a bit but couldn't come up with
a good set of search terms.

/* era */

If this were a real .signature, it would suck less.  Well, maybe not.

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