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Re: getting and keeping existing webpages up-to-date (Re: Wanted: introductory page for all teams)

On Sun, May 27, 2007 at 01:39:30PM +0200, Bart Martens wrote:
> My point is that it is no surprise to me that many webpages have
> alternative wiki pages, simply because it is soooo much more efficient
> to edit the wiki pages.

It's not necessarily efficient, it's just simple. But yes, some things are
better edited in another format. I was never an advocate of the events/
section in webwml, it was always out-of-dateness waiting to happen.

> I strongly suggest to give all DD's commit access to the wml files and to
> launch a call on debian-www to massively merge the wiki pages with the
> outdated webpages.

While letting all developers edit WML will have the obvious advantage of
letting them do simple fixes, it will also make it possible for people to
violate various conventions simply because they haven't needed to read a
modicum of documentation. Contrary to popular belief, there are a lot of
things that can go wrong and piss people off when people make newbie
mistakes editing web pages (be they in a wiki engine or in wml).

With people mailing debian-www saying 'please add me', at least we have
the opportunity to tell that person 'please read docs', as well as a clear
record of when they started contributing. It isn't really an unbearable
overhead, is it?

Please let's not overdo the solution to this problem :)

     2. That which causes joy or happiness.

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