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Re: Content negotiation - ICS Calendar files

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Am 04.03.2006 um 03:25 schrieb Felipe Augusto van de Wiel (faw):

	That's strange, accessing the above link via Mozilla and
Mozilla Firefox (both from etch) show me the HTML. I tried using
www.nl, www.us, www.br, www.de and just www. All worked fine for

That is because Firefox and Mozilla prefer text/HTML over ICS. The browser I used, where I can see the request, doen't negotiate such a preference. So the server decides.

Here is what Omniweb sends:

GET /debian/dwww/events/2006/0513-debianday HTTP/1.1|Accept:image/ gif, image/x-xbitmap, image/jpeg, image/pjpeg, image/png, image/tiff, multipart/x-mixed-replace, */*;q=0.1
Camino sends:
GET /debian/dwww/events/2006/0309-cebit HTTP/1.1|Accept:text/ xml,application/xml,application/xhtml+xml,text/html;q=0.9,text/ plain;q=0.8,image/png,*/*;q=0.5

As you might see, Camino has page preferences, while Omniweb has not. Omniweb cares only about images and leaves it to the server to decide, what kind of pages to deliver.

So Omniweb sometimes gets and displays plain text insted of html from some servers, which is not a problem at all and wicht does not happen for Debian. But getting an ICS causes a download for either Safari or Omniweb and I cannot correct the URL in the URL field.

Okay, it is a bug in the browsers, too, that I cannot change that (as far as I know). But _no_ web server with normal web pages should prefer delivering ICS calendar files instead of HTML pages.

But seems, I can reproduce the behaviour on one server.

If I comment out the line

/etc/apache/mime.types:text/ calendar ics icz

it works fine.

if I reorder the text/html and text/calendar lines nothing chages (wrong behaviour) If I rename the text/calendar entry to something line text/aaa I get the html page If I change the calendar line to get other file extensions I get the files with those extensions.

So it seems to be an Apache bug. It prefers calendar instead of html internally, maybe out of the alphabetically order. Something must tell Apache that an ics file has a higher media level.

If I follow the order at http://httpd.apache.org/docs/1.3/content- negotiation.html it does not get to 8. (file size) as even a faked ics file larger than the html page is delivered with preference.

Using var files (Type-map) instead of MultiViews the problem could be solved easily by a preference:

URI: foo.jpeg
  Content-type: image/jpeg; qs=0.8

I Tried to find other solutions, but seems there is no way out currently but using var files or these:

1. either comment out the text/calendar line in the server configurations. 2. or renaming the ics file in the webwml tree to something like foo- calendar.lang.ics and make the links match.

any other ideas?



- -- http://www.witch.westfalen.de

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