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Re: Changing historic documents (Was: Re: Debian WWW CVS commit by bertol: webwml/english/vote/2005 Log-debian-dpl-debate.wml)

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Am 17.10.2005 um 08:09 schrieb Jens Seidel:

I mean, there are plenty of mistakes in <News/weekly/*/*/mail.wml> and

mail.wml are often important and in a good quality so I always fixed typos
there. I also fixed from time to time ugly mail encodings such as =20=
strings (or similar). All these changes may invalidate a signed mail, but
since WML needs escaping of special characters nobody assumes that
the GPG sign matchs.

In this case, it is possible just to deliver Mails as plain text (.txt).
Even if the GPG validation did not come into my mind before, I have thought about those mails while fixing the HTML errors in the news tree: mails (here I refer to completely quoted mail) are directly translated with parts of the header above instead of leaving the as they are and put the trannslation below them, maybe.

X has written his/her mail in a certain language. That is a fact. Any translation of the original mail must point out explicitly that it is a translation only and not the original mail text.

For me I would mind finding one of my mails with original header but french, spanish or any other language body, which is not the original one.

If people do not want the translation going below the original mail they could use the origianl header and put something like this below it:

The original mail is on aaaa.lang.html (ref), here is the translated version:

Note: Quoting something in a foreign language is not as sensible as translating a mail incusively their headers, but sensible enough, not to make people assume that the quote is the original text/language.

If a mail refers to project leader XZY whereas his name is XYZ many
persons will notice that this is a typo. But readers will maybe not notice
this in 10 years, so I support fixing it ...

Those typo corrections also can be inserted as annotation by www editor. Ten years after writing somehing even the original author might not remember sometimes, if he/she was really referring to the project leader or another person, which has a similar name. And what do you do, if the same DPL still is member of the Project but got another name in between?



- -- http://www.witch.westfalen.de

Version: GnuPG v1.4.1 (Darwin)


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