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Re: new design for debian site

Am Donnerstag, 16.12.04 um 15:03 Uhr schrieb Gerfried Fuchs:

for instance some sapmle open-source project web pages:

 Animated GIF as news ticker... come on. That's not really what is
helpful, do you think so?

It uses javascript, is not valid while using loose DTD, and too wide minimum window. It uses cookies and looks ugly in lynx. Good night accessibility.


 Header lines as images....  Great.

Ah, there are headings? Not in lynx. It uses tables (which we try to remove at debian.org, using css) and javascript. The headings cannot be enlarged in the browser as they are imgages. Beside the accessibility I personally think, it is chaotic even in graphical browser.


Hmm, I see only the menus when calling it, The content is below my window. Ah, there must be something hidden within Javascript. I see nothing better in it than in current debian pages. The layout is as simple (maybe because I am missing something.


 IMHO mono page doesn't look too much different to ours. Not?

Oh there is a difference: Here is used javascript, too, and again cookies. Some of the links do not work. And the 404 page does not show the error on the first page in lynx.

The examples are very different, but all use javascript and have other serious accessibility problems.

Maybe, Firat should read a while, learn about debian and, if he wants to do that work possible in vain, make an example. But that should be valid, have _no_ javascript and be accessible for everyone. It must be tested with lynx, too.

Just my two cents as a debian user and visitor of the pages.

If my work was not accepted and some patches applied, I would have had the only advantage to have learned much about css while working many hours on it. I tried to make the pages look like as they have been before to learn how the same things as with tables can be done by using css. And I cannot say, that I do not like them. They have corporated design and a high value or reappointment. It would not be easy to have that in a new design.

What I did do: I made an example from one page. When I was ready, I presented it to the debian people. But it was not really accepted then. I had to fetch the CVS tree, work on it and put everything online to have other people looking on it. At that point we got into a discussion and I made some changes, before I was even told that someone wanted to apply changes. I would not recommend anyone to do that, if he/she is not prepared to waste about 80 or more hours of work, if none of the changes are accepted. And for sure, if changes are accepted, you will have to put much more work on it.




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