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Re: debian.de problem

* Crissi <crissi99@gmx.de> [2004-08-20 01:50]:
> i want to send a mail to webmaster of debian.de but i got:
> Each of the following recipients was rejected by a remote mail server.
> The reasons given by the server are included to help you determine why
> each recipient was rejected.
>     Recipient: <webmaster@debian.de>
>     Reason:    <webmaster@debian.de>: User unknown in virtual alias table
> please look for that.

 Adam, pretty please fix it.  :)

> Also a problem: debian.de is always in english but my browser sends de as 
> language... works in history...

 Really? I get the german language pages. Can you take a look at
<http://www.de.debian.org/intro/cn.de.html#howtoset>, especially at the
4th and following paragraphs in that point. de-de doesn't fallback to de
when there is no de-de available.

 So long,
<schneckal> hat einer von euch schon bind9 installiert?
<_eis> das neue root kit? :->
                                  -- #debian.de

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