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Re: copypage diff

* Denis Barbier <barbier@linuxfr.org> [2002-07-15 13:41]:
> Does someone use DWWW_LANG?

 Am not sure, but either DWWW_LANG or language.conf was broken for one
script didn't use one of these.  Don't know though which it was, I have
fixed that quite some weeks/months ago.

> IMO it is much simpler to have a language.conf file, and we could put this
> choice on line 2 of this file, e.g. 'sync' and 'copy'; in attached patch,
> default is 'copy', and we will change it to 'sync' when most languages use
> these Makefiles.

 I thought about that, too.  But haven't thought that it would be so
easy to do without breaking the other things.

>  # Get configuration
> +$copym = "copy";
>  if (exists $ENV{DWWW_LANG}) 
>  {
>       $language = $ENV{DWWW_LANG};
> @@ -22,6 +23,8 @@
>  {
>  	$language = <CONF>;
>  	chomp $language;
> +	$copym = <CONF> or $copym = "copy\n";
> +	chomp $copym;
>  	close CONF;
>  }

 Uhm, why both initializing and having it in an or afterwards? Wouldn't
be the
  +	$copym = <CONF> or $copym = "copy\n";
line be enough to inizialize it?  And, to play perl golf, you won't need
the \n for we are using chomp afterwards, not chop :)

  * Hey.. who's this uploading a galeon package... could it be...
    THE MAINTAINER OF GALEON!  stop the presses
 -- Jared Johnson, changelog.Debian for galeon (1.2.1-2)

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