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Re: events/materials/posters

On Sun, Sep 16, 2001 at 01:02:42AM +0200, Josip Rodin wrote:
> Hi,
> Can we move http://www.debian.org/events/materials/posters/ to ~akumria or
> something? These posters are as uninteresting to the general public as 1997
> security advisories, but the latter aren't >40 MB...
	Why do you inssit that they are uninsteresting and why do you insist
on driving this information from the main page (www.debian.org) which gets
backuped and mirrored to people pages which 
	a) are not controlled by debian-www team
	b) are backuped but on less priority (this is a wild guess)
	c) are handled by those same people and might easily change over
time leaving the main site with dangled links.

	IMHO *all* information pointed from www.debian.org to
people.debian.org should be integrated on the main site. If it's useful then
why isn't it officially acknowledged? (and I'm talking about stuff in
w.d.o./devel here)

	I did move these information available (but almost lost unless you
dug out the list archives) from people.debian.org to www.debian.org please
don't hide it *again*


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