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Re: Debian pages in Esperanto

* Gustavo Noronha Silva <kov@debian.org> [2001-10-01 19:18]:
> I have been listening many things about "projected languages"
> and went to check Debian's pages in esperanto... I read 'Debiano'
> and 'Linuksa'(?) in there... I am afraid Debian and Linux should
> not be "translated" as they're names of a project and a kernel...
> names are not translatable in any ways...

 Uhm, I consider the esperanto translation really dead.  One translated
page and another one hopelessly outdated.  Do you really care for the
esperanto translation?  Could you then at least update that
esperanto/News/index.wml file?

 Personally I think it should be dropped, but that's on an other paper.
It seems that there is noone responsible for that translation, or am I

 Aditionally, it seems that I hit some nerve of the Japanese
translators - keep that good work up!

 So in contrary, let me now pick on the Korean translation:  Is there
someone out there looking after that one?  92 outdated pages of 110
overall translated (mostly "too out of date"!) sounds not really good to
me.  Please get your asses moving like your japanese colleagues.  Don't
take it personal - on the other hand if that's what you need to get
moving please take it so :-)

 Have fun!
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