Re: Chinese new official language in UK?
On Fri, May 04, 2001 at 03:39:01PM +0100, Rev Simon Rumble wrote:
> > No, it hasn't (just checked). If you don't tell it anything, it gives
> > English. Please check for any misconfigured proxies, read more at
> >
> Hmmmm... I'm using IE 5.5 (long story involving getting paid <sigh>)
> and the languages are set up to send en-gb as the preferential
> language. That's the default for Win ME when you choose that locale.
> Upon changing that to now be (my preference): en-au, en-gb, en, fr
> it works fine. It seems the language matching doesn't recognise, or
> gets confused by, just en-gb. I did verify this on the gllug list and
> two other people verified it wasn't just me and my browser.
This is a known problem with how Apache handles settings that have two
parts, e.g. en-gb, and those are the defaults in Internet Explorer 5.5, it
If you used "en", it would have worked fine. <sigh>
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