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Re: SPI template

I haven't looked into CSS much. What browsers support them? What happens
with browsers that don't support them? If CSS's are the way to go, then
feel free to set it up. :)

On Thu, Jun 10, 1999 at 05:32:30PM +0200, peter karlsson wrote:
> Speaking of the SPI pages, I just noticed that the news articles have the
> translation language list repeated, I guess that the '<:= languages
> ("$(HOME)", "news", "$(WML_SRC_BASENAME)", "$(CUR_LANG)") :>' in the bottom
> of the news .wml files should be removed.
I don't see this. Was it already fixed?

> Second, the link to "how to set default languagee" is broken, there is no
> /intro/cn on www.spi-inc.org.
Changed it to link http://www.debian.org/intro/cn (which is what I thought
I had done originally.

As you've noticed, the SPI pages have not had nearly as much work done on them
as the Debian pages. Feel free to point out any and all problems.

Jay Treacy

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