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Is is possible to use cgiemail or some such on www.debian.org ??


Is it possible to use cgiemail,(or equivilant..perhaps a .pl)
on www.debian.org ???  

I noticed that cgiemail is installed in master 
(/var/lib/cgi-bin/) but not on va.debian.org . 

Yea, I know it is a terrible little cgi...suggestions
for doing a web email form are welcome.



Jim Westveer <jwest@debian.org>

The weather isn't bad here. It only rained twice last week;
the first time for three days and the second for four days.
Jim Westveer                       LAN Comp Systems
jwest@netnw.com                    14524 Issaquah-Hobart Rd
425-392-0141                       Issaquah, WA 98027 USA
www.netnw.com                      lcs.issaquah.wa.us
Fingerprint = DC 49 E8 7E 76 DD 30 2D 8D F1 B4 D8 A3 60 4C 04

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