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Re: Ports web-pages - progress report

  Can you do a manual checkout of the ports/index page please?  I'd like to 
put out a press release I've been holding for a while.

Thanks, Nils.

In message <[🔎] Pine.LNX.3.96.980818005033.428T-100000@pear.presence.net.uk>, 
 Bean writes:
>Well, today I cleared a 207 email backlog (that *doesn't* include mailing
>lists...), finally.  I also found time to construct an index page for
>/ports/, and make a few trivial mods to sparc/index and sparc/problems.
>As soon as I get a change, I will work on moving the ARM page over to wml,
>since that is a simple one, but not too small.  I hope this will give me
>some idea of the structure I have to aim for.  Then I'll target powerpc,
>and then alpha.
>Hopefully Jay will set up the repective page-maintainers with CVS access,
>so they can take over day-to-day maintenance.
>Good night,
>|  Jelibean aka  | jules@jellybean.co.uk         |  6 Evelyn Rd	       
>|  Jules aka     |                               |  Richmond, Surrey   |
>|  Julian Bean   | jmlb2@hermes.cam.ac.uk        |  TW9 2TF *UK*       |
>|  War doesn't demonstrate who's right... just who's left.             |
>|  When privacy is outlawed... only the outlaws have privacy.          |
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