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Proposal for automatic page outdates detection

	I have been for some time unable to update the spanish translation
of the WWW pages, and there are still some new dirs that have not yet been
translated. I also have been thinking that there is no way for users with
their language configuration set to spanish to know that changes have been
made... and this is a problem.

	If I were to spend three months without updating a page, a reader
will not know the last time it was updated and, worse still, that there is a
new (untranslated) page (maybe fixing typos, but possibly introducing new
and important info).

	So  I have a proposal to make, simple to state, more difficult to

	Whenever a translated page has not been updated for quite some time,
automatically put a note in the bottom saying so and linking to the english

	How to implement this? I figure we could use the same scheme as the
one I'm currently using (thanks Paolo) to check the status of the
translations: the check_trans.pl script forces translators to put a headline
in all pages like this:

jfs@hades:/var/tmp/jfs/debian/www/webwml$ head spanish/index.wml
#use wml::debian::mainpage title="El Sistema Operativo Universal"
#use wml::debian::recent_list
<!--translation 1.17-->
<H2>&iquest;Qu&eacute; es Debian?</H2>

	So it can check the version of the current document in the english
dir and tell you if it's newer or not.

	Well, I think adopting this is a must, not for obligation, bur for
convience, and if all pages have this line  <!--translation x.x--> I figure
it would be easy to check its number against the english version, in the wml
step, notify the translation coordinator if the number gets too high (maybe
from 1.1 to 1.20) and put a note in the middle stating 

	"This translated page is not completely up to date with the 
	original, feel free to read the <a href="page.html.en">original
	(possibly translated to whatever language it is appropiate)

	Comments? Can this be implemented for all current translations?



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