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Re: site design again

> > One suggestion I have is to rotate the "What is Debian?" section with
> > others, to maintain variety and keep web surfers interest.  Some
> > potential substitues may include a select news story, particularly one
> > which advocates Debian or gives the latest breaking news on release
> > information (dates, irc parties, ..), or honorable notice in industry
> > publications (to spread the gospel).  Another idea is to provide some
> > kind of "eye candy" or "lure" to draw attention on a featured package
> > or development issue (e.g., APT, DEC Alpha or Mk68 versions).  My
> > general idea being that debian should convey the image that it is a
> > leader and showcase it's talents, recognition, accolades more
> > prominently.
> I think this is a great idea. To get this thing working we would need
> someone who takes care of this section of the main page. Someone who
> decides what to publish, perhaps writes these things and others can
> adress when they have a story for the front page. Maybe you David?
It is easy to rotate the content of the pages if you don't use static
pages. Due to the distributed nature of our pages, this is out of the
question. The alternative is to have a person do the rotation manually
every few weeks.

Thomas, you seem to have some free time and some good ideas. Please
apply to become a developer so I can give you access to the web pages. 
This would speed the movement to the new format.

Jay Treacy

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