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We need help to Eliminar correo no deseado de las listas en español


I know that many contributor(a)s in this list are Spanish
speakers...or understand enough Spanish....to participate in the great
task of cleaning out Spanish-speaking mailing listsfrom spam.

It's a bit more demanding than cleaning out debian-women
archives....but not that much, still.

It appears that we are currently only4 people doing that on a regular
basis, which means that spam does indeed remain in the
archives....because a given spam message has to be "reported" at least
5 times to enter the review step of the process.

(as a reminder : spam review is split in two steps --> a "report" step
where anybody can partipate and "nominate" mails as potential
spams.....and a "review" step where some volunteer DD confirm(not not)
that reported mails are indeed spam)

In Spanish mailing lists (noticeable debian-l10n-spanish and
debian-user-spanish) we only had 4 active reviews for the last months
and need at least a 5th person to go through archives and report spam.
From  my experience, there are 4-5 spams every month in these two
lists and they are currently still there in the archive. Help us
giving them the final hit in the heart!

Please go to http://wiki.debian.org/I18n/SpanishSpamClean for more
details. I'm sure we can make it.

Oh, and that doesn't even require to be a good Spanish speaker. Just
need rough knowledge in order to make the difference between a spam
and a legitimate user discussion in Spanish. Anybody who went to a
spanish-speaking country once or twice in the past can do this. *I* do
it and, believe me, I can't sustain a conversation in Spanish and I
can hardly follow one!

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