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Re: Outreach Program for Women: next round

Quoting Solveig (debian@solveig.org):

> * something to do with translation? Maybe some from the translation
> teams could come up with specific tasks that could be done by a
> newcomer, interesting both for the applicant and for Debian? That would
> require the chosen language translation team to be available for helping
> the applicant.

The "problem" we have in Debian wrt translation is that most things we
have as translatable are not really "end user" stuff, so someone who'd
like to be involved into Free Software translation might think his|her
work won't get used by the masses.

Still, there are areas where a motivated person can help:

- for most "common" languages (the definition is "common" is quite
loose, but that includes Spanish, German, French, Italian, etc....you
get the picture) join existing translation teams and involve into something they
don't cover yet (or they don't cover completely)
- for others, this is a bit more difficult as most teams are only
made.....of one person (such as Scandinavian, Eastern European, even
- and we have still the possibility of some "new" languages.....where
the "door" is usually the installer: if someone is interested in
covering alanguage we don't cover  yet, she's be very welcomed.

For the latter, I can act as mentor for the said person.....For the
formers, it has to be someone involved in one of the translation

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