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Re: shebuntu debian project

2009/9/29 Ivan Serra <ivanserra@fastwebnet.it>:
> Hi to All
> My name is Ivan fro Italy and I'm Ubuntu user and I love this OS
> I created a new project on Launchpad and I'm just asking you help about that
> https://launchpad.net/ubuntushe

Hi Ivan,

First of all, thanks for acknowledging that there is a problem and
trying to do something about it. Although I wish you luck in your
project, I seriously doubt that the solution for the low amount of
women involved in Free Software will come from developing a
distribution targeted at women.

In any case, I'm curious about it. Apart of the obvious possible
differences, like having a pink theme with lots of teddy bears,
ponies, flowers and the such, which is something that some subgroup of
women and girls might find attractive, in which way do you plan to
customize the distribution that wouldn't fit a random newbie user,
male or female?

I've had a look at the current list of developers [1], and I see that
there doesn't seem top be any women involved. As an important
suggestion, I recommend you to constantly ask for feedback to your
target audience, so that you actually fulfill their needs and not just
some stereotype. The best would be if you were able to attract female

In general, Debian tries to be integrative, so you won't find the
division you have in Ubuntu (Ubuntu, Kubuntu, Xubuntu, Easy Peasy,...)
and we try to work cooperatively towards a single universal system.
Most of the stuff you're proposing for your distro would probably be
useful for people outside your target audience, and it would be a pity
that they couldn't access it.

One thing I'm wondering about, is whether you have developed some
research to find out that the kind of distribution you're proposing is
what is really needed for solving the exact problems you're targeting
at, or if it just comes out of intuition, If it's the latter, I
seriously recommend you to double check that your efforts will lead to
something productive and that you're not just wasting your time in it.
I wish you luck, though.


[1] https://launchpad.net/~ubushe.m/+members#active

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