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Re: Why the Widening Gender Gap in Computer Science?

CS is a pretty damned broad definition (PDBD).

Overall, there may be few women studying in the discipline, and it's natural to ask why, but nobody seems (unless there's an article I missed) to be asking about women's involvement in specific streams/ majors/ minors/ concentrations.

Is/are there a/-few field/s within CS where more women tend to study/teach/work? AI? Data structures? Languages/programming? Project management? Networking?

The next question: where is the money/status in the field? There are never as many generals as there are grunts. There are lots of programmers, but fewer database admins/managers.

Neither the NYT article, nor the blog that Vid linked to, addressed more detailed questions.
That says there are some really bad journos trying to cover IT.

Context is 9/10 of the law.

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