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Re: A list for D-W translators

Hi Clytie, everyone,

Clytie Siddall wrote:
> I still think this is worth-while. Yes, we have some female  translators
> currently functioning on debian-i18n and similar, but not  many. I have
> heard from women who would be interested in getting into  translation,
> and starting with D-W, but from unpleasant experiences  or lack of
> confidence, do not yet feel comfortable about discussing  these issues
> on the main i18n lists (or getting into main i18n at  all), or
> discussing them here, where that isn't the main interest of  all members.

I am not a translator.  But I am interested in what translating work is going on
around here.  I am perfectly happy for translation discussion to happen on this
list, and I doubt that anyone would mind much.

> I'm only trying to do this, in order to provide a specific example of 
> what D-W does, for a specific group. My aim is to get the barriers  out
> of the way by using that group to address them, and thus support  and
> mentor others into the main i18n field. I don't think this  breaches any
> of the D-W aims. I suppose I could do it elsewhere, but  this seemed
> like the right place.

How about starting by trying to use this list for discussing translation issues
that are important to female translators, or translation of the Debian Women
pages, or anything else that you want to discuss?  If it becomes a problem
because of too much traffic, or whatever, we can create a seperate list then,
and you will have a ready-made community that are going to kick-start
discussions on that list.  But I actually doubt it will be a problem, and it
might well be interesting for most of us here.

> Those translators who _are_ comfortable on the main lists would be 
> welcome to do the same as I plan to do: encourage new female 
> translators on this sub-D-W list. Dropping in occasionally and  sharing
> some ideas or experience would be very helpful.

Yes - we should definitely encourage new people to get involved in translating,
and to interact with the main Debian translation systems, once they feel
confident enough to do so.

Now I am interested:

How many people on this mailing list are interested in doing translation work
but have not yet done any for Debian?

What has prevented you from doing such work so far?

Is there anything that we (Debian or Debian-Women) could do to make it easier
for you to do Debian translation work)?


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