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Re: Is "debian-women" crashed ?

Hello David, 

Am 2004-07-18 13:36:26, schrieb David Nusinow:

>with Debian. What I meant above is an extension of that, in that women can do
>this without diving in to the relatively hostile environment of other Debian
>lists. Because the purpose of the project is to nurture women within the
>project, women should feel free to ask questions here that would get them
>flamed or RTFM'ed on other Debian lists. I don't think people should flee to

I have the RTFM-Syndrome here in Strasbourg...

Because I am well known here and all people know, that I do not like 
M$ malware and use Debian GNU/Linux all the time,  I have gotten many 
contacts to women. I am helping more the 30 of it and some associations 
to get/keep Linux running. 

Most french peoples do not speak a second language and if they get 
RTFM... they are lost, because the docu is written in english. 

>I hope I've clarified a bit. I didn't want to alarm anyone. I want this project
>to succeed for a while (I've been urging helix on since debian-women was just
>an abstract idea) and I get the feeling that there's many who feel the same.
> - David Nusinow


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