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New and not new


I joind the list a few days ago.

My first linux was a Slackware running inside DOS - not very useful, at all. First time I installed a full Linux os was in 1996, when I got the Infomagic CD. I just installed something claiming to be Debian 1.0 (http://www.educ.umu.se/~bjorn/mhonarc-files/debian-announce/ msg00005.html) and said not to be installable or run correctly.
I got running it at all. And since that time I am using Debian.

Im am not involved in the Debian project yet, but I did some backports (brown papper bag needed) and wrote a little HOWTO on installing Debian stable (Woody) on Epia boards with Nehemiah chip.

My native language is German. I could do some translations from English to German language, but I do not have much time at all. This is just a message to let you know, that I am here and reading. ;-)

If you have a look at the message headers: Yes, I am using OS X, too.

Someone mentioned IRC: Which channel? IRCNET?




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