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Advanced Financial Management, Grants Management And Auditing For Donor Funded Projects from 7th To 18th November 2022 Axminster carpets BEARINGS AND BEARING ASSEMBLIES Bug#1000820: RFP: onvifviewer -- ONVIF camera viewer Bug#1001907: marked as done (ITP: pmbootstrap -- Sophisticated chroot/build/flash tool to develop and install postmarketOS) Bug#1002638: marked as done (RFP: zigpy -- Zigbee library in Python 3.x) Bug#1003167: marked as done (ITP: virtnbdbackup -- Backup utility for Libvirt kvm / qemu with incremental backup support) Bug#1006728: marked as done (ITP: gtkmm4.0 -- C++ wrappers for GTK4) Bug#1007782: marked as done (ITP: lomiri-system-settings -- System Settings application for Lomiri) Bug#1007819: marked as done (ITP: geonames -- Parse and query the geonames database dump) Bug#1008016: ITP: safe-network -- network routing and service daemon for the Safe Network Bug#1008492: marked as done (ITP: jh7100-bootloader-recovery -- StarFive JH7100 recovery bootloader) Bug#1008816: ITP: kwin-bismuth -- KDE Plasma extension for tiling windows Bug#1008816: marked as done (ITP: kwin-bismuth -- KDE Plasma extension for tiling windows) Bug#1009225: marked as done (ITP: odr-dabmux -- Digital Audio Broadcasting multiplexer compliant to ETSI EN 300 401) Bug#1009230: RFP: difftastic -- diff that understands syntax Bug#1009235: marked as done (ITP: rust-pyo3 -- Rust bindings for the Python interpreter) Bug#1009774: marked as done (ITP: ruby-net-protocol -- Internal class for the other net-* libraries) Bug#1009775: marked as done (ITP: ruby-net-smtp -- library to send Internet mail via SMTP, the Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) Bug#1010247: marked as done (ITP: greetd -- minimal and flexible login manager daemon) Bug#1010248: ITP: wlgreet raw wayland greeter for greetd Bug#1011358: marked as done (ITP: tpm2-pytss -- TPM2 TSS Python bindings) Bug#1011358: RFP: tpm2-pytss -- TPM2 TSS Python bindings Bug#1012001: marked as done (O: xwrits -- reminds you to take a break from typing) Bug#1012429: marked as done (ITA: onedrive -- folder synchronization with OneDrive) Bug#1013214: O: asmjit -- Complete x86/x64 JIT and AOT Assembler for C++ Bug#1013290: marked as done (ITP: filespooler -- Sequential, Distributed, POSIX-Style Job Queues) Bug#1013361: clarification Bug#1013369: marked as done (ITP: qt-qgnomeplatform -- natively integrate qt programs into the Gnome desktop) Bug#1013884: marked as done (ITP: golang-github-gonvenience-neat -- create neat strings like colored YAML output) Bug#1014339: please coordinate using ITP bugreports Bug#1014666: marked as done (ITP: sphinx-multiversion -- Add support for multiple versions to sphinx) Bug#1014815: Bug#1014815: kiwipy initial packaging Bug#1014965: marked as done (ITP: coq-libhyps -- Tactics on hypotheses in Coq) Bug#1014991: marked as done (ITP: coq-relation-algebra -- relation algebra for Coq) Bug#1015152: marked as done (ITP: mir-eval -- Common metrics for common audio/music processing tasks) Bug#1015857: marked as done (ITP: parmed -- parameter and topology file editor and molecular mechanical simulator) Bug#1016019: marked as done (ITP: libusbgx -- libusbgx is a C library encapsulating the kernel USB gadget-configfs) Bug#1016047: Bug#1016047: RFH: chromium -- web browser Bug#1016160: marked as done (ITP: unifrac-tools -- high-performance phylogenetic diversity calculations (binaries)) Bug#1016722: cvmfs sponor Bug#1016888: marked as done (ITP: prody -- Python package for protein dynamics analysis) Bug#1016906: marked as done (ITP: python-weblogo -- Sequence Logo Generator) Bug#1016918: marked as done (ITP: tcpbench -- TCP/UDP benchmarking and measurement tool) Bug#1016929: marked as done (ITP: sd - intuitive find and replace CLI) Bug#1016946: marked as done (ITP: elpa-consult -- Useful commands based on completing-read for Emacs) Bug#1016962: marked as done (ITP: swift-im -- C++ library for implementing XMPP applications) Bug#1016995: marked as done (ITP: sublist3r -- subdomains enumeration tool for penetration testers) Bug#1017074: marked as done (ITP: libpysal -- "Core components of PySAL A library of spatial analysis functions".) Bug#1017088: ITP: c4core -- library of low-level C++ utilities, written with low-latency projects in mind Bug#1017376: marked as done (ITP: r-cran-dendsort -- GNU R Modular Leaf Ordering Methods for Dendrogram Nodes) Bug#1017383: marked as done (ITP: r-cran-estimatr -- GNU R fast estimators for design-based inference) Bug#1017602: marked as done (ITP: elpa-embark -- Emacs Mini-Buffer Actions Rooted in Keymaps) Bug#1017822: marked as done (ITP: vart -- Vitis AI RuntTime library) Bug#1017846: marked as done (ITP: debugbreak -- Put breakpoints in C/C++ code) Bug#1017879: marked as done (O: emacs-async -- simple library for asynchronous processing in Emacs) Bug#1017881: ITA: unclutter-xfixes -- hide the X mouse cursor after a period of inactivity, using XFixes Bug#1018193: ITP: the-foundation -- Opinionated C11 library for low-level functionality Bug#1018887: marked as done (ITP: cwl-utils -- Python Utilities and Autogenerated Classes for CWL v1.0 - v1.2) Bug#1018890: marked as done (ITP: pubpaste -- publish files and clipboard online easily) Bug#1018908: marked as done (ITP: cairomm1.16 -- C++ wrappers for Cairo) Bug#1019276: marked as done (ITP: nvda2speechd -- A bridge between Windows applications and Speech dispatcher) Bug#1019378: marked as done (ITP: rust-asn1 -- ASN.1 (DER) parser and writer for Rust) Bug#1019387: ITP: atomes -- an atomistic tool box Bug#1019442: marked as done (ITP: ymuse -- GTK client for Music Player Daemon (MPD) written in Go) Bug#1019479: marked as done (ITP: rust-async-std -- async version of the Rust standard library) Bug#1019481: marked as done (ITP: rust-kv-log-macro -- kv-log-macro is a log macro for log's kv-unstable backend.) Bug#1019484: marked as done (ITP: rust-femme -- pretty-printer and ndjson logger for log crate) Bug#1019527: marked as done (ITP: dotty-dict -- Python Dictionary wrapper for quick access to deeply nested keys) Bug#1019692: marked as done (ITP: mathcomp-abel -- Abel-Galois and Abel-Ruffini theorems for Mathematical Components) Bug#1019701: RFP: rpi-imager -- Raspberry Pi Imaging Utility Bug#1019739: marked as done (ITP: passes -- GTK-based digital pass manager) Bug#1019745: RFP: sphinx-enum-tools -- expand Python's enum module in Sphinx documentation Bug#1019882: marked as done (ITP: r-cran-optimparallel -- parallel version of the L-BFGS-B optimization method) Bug#1019961: marked as done (ITP: fast-float -- Implementation of the C++ from_chars functions for float and double types) Bug#1019967: marked as done (ITP: caps2esc -- Filter for dual function Ctrl and Esc key at CapsLock) Bug#1020070: marked as done (ITP: ruby-traces -- Application instrumentation and tracing) Bug#1020245: marked as done (ITP: node-libpq -- Node.js native bindings to the PostgreSQL libpq C client library) Bug#1020272: marked as done (ITP: wormhole-william -- End-to-end encrypted file transfer. A magic wormhole CLI and API in Go (golang).) Bug#1020295: marked as done (ITP: dh-puredata -- debhelper addon for building Pd externals) Bug#1020332: marked as done (ITP: python-mrcfile -- Python implementation of the MRC2014 file format) Bug#1020400: marked as done (ITP: cif2hkl -- Convert crystallographic descriptions into HKL F^2 reflection lists) Bug#1020401: marked as done (ITP: python-orderedset -- Ordered Set implementation in Cython) Bug#1020411: RFP: sphinxcontrib-ditaa -- sphinx extension for embedding block diagram using ditaa Bug#1020433: marked as done (ITP: bettercap-caplets -- Bettercap scripts (caplets) and proxy modules) Bug#1020438: marked as done (ITP: libtwiggy-tls-perl -- Twiggy server with TLS support) Bug#1020491: marked as done (ITP: ska -- Split Kmer Analysis) Bug#1020501: marked as done (ITP: libshrinkwrap -- XZ streambuf with std::istream) Bug#1020538: marked as done (ITP: golang-github-gopacket-gopacket -- Provides packet processing capabilities for Go) Bug#1020557: marked as done (ITP: xtb -- semiempirical extended tight-binding program package) Bug#1020573: marked as done (ITP: haskell-language-glsl -- GLSL abstract syntax tree, parser, and pretty-printer) Bug#1020611: marked as done (ITP: python-trio-websocket -- Server and client Python library of the WebSocket protocol) Bug#1020621: ITA netkit-rusers Bug#1020645: marked as done (ITP: esda -- Exploratory Spatial Data Analysis) Bug#1020681: marked as done (ITP: dde-store -- DDE Store for Deepin Desktop Environment) Bug#1020698: O: dlocate -- fast alternative to dpkg -L and dpkg -S Bug#1020706: marked as done (ITP: golang-github-gonvenience-text -- convenience functions for strings) Bug#1020716: marked as done (ITP: tryton-modules-* -- Collection of 56 base modules for the Tryton application platform) Bug#1020762: marked as done (ITP: mastodon.el -- Emacs client for the Mastodon and Pleroma social networks) Bug#1020772: marked as done (ITP: trexio -- TREX I/O library and data format to exchange the quantum chemistry data.) Bug#1020774: marked as done (ITP: rust-serde-fmt -- write any serde::Serialize using standard formatting APIs) Bug#1020843: marked as done (ITP: plexus-testing -- Plexus Testing) Bug#1020896: marked as done (ITP: python-pymbar -- Python implementation of the multistate Bennett acceptance ratio (MBAR)) Bug#1020905: Acknowledgement (ITP: pystray -- Python library that allows creating system tray icons on multiple platforms.) Bug#1020946: marked as done (ITP: stripe -- Python bindings for the Stripe API) Bug#1020947: marked as done (ITP: confusable-homoglyphs -- Detect confusable usage of unicode homoglyphs) Bug#1020950: marked as done (ITP: python-refurb -- A tool for refurbishing and modernizing Python codebases) Bug#1020961: [Pkg-javascript-devel] Bug#1020961: RFP: crontab-ui -- web interface for managing scheduled jobs (crontab) Bug#1020964: marked as done (ITP: python-febelfin-coda -- Python module to parse CODA files) Bug#1020996: marked as done (ITP: python-csb43 -- Spanish banks' CSB/AEB norm 43 converter (Python)) Bug#1021003: marked as done (ITP: sphinx-qt-documentation -- Plugin for proper resolve intersphinx references for Qt elements) Bug#1021011: marked as done (ITP: doxygen-awesome-css -- custom CSS theme for Doxygen HTML documentation) Bug#1021048: ITP: bats-support -- Supporting library to test bats helper libraries Bug#1021048: marked as done (ITP: bats-support -- Supporting library to test bats helper libraries) Bug#1021073: ITP: tkcalendar -- tkcalendar is a python module that provides the Calendar and DateEntry widgets for Tkinter Bug#1021077: ITP: libcache-memcached-fast-safe-perl -- Cache::Memcached::Fast with sanitizing keys and fork-safe Bug#1021081: ITP: libdbix-admin-createtable-perl -- a module to create and drop tables, primary indexes, and sequences Bug#1021084: ITP: python-semantic-release -- Automatic Semantic Versioning for Python projects Bug#1021084: marked as done (ITP: python-semantic-release -- Automatic Semantic Versioning for Python projects) Bug#1021089: RFP: qr-backup -- paper backups of files using QR codes Bug#1021096: ITP: spaghetti -- Analysis of Network-constrained Spatial Data Bug#1021116: ITP: golang-github-dennwc-ioctl -- ioctl library for Go Bug#1021116: marked as done (ITP: golang-github-dennwc-ioctl -- ioctl library for Go) Bug#1021118: ITP: golang-github-dennwc-btrfs -- btrfs library for Go Bug#1021118: marked as done (ITP: golang-github-dennwc-btrfs -- btrfs library for Go) Bug#1021151: ITP: setuptools-rust -- Plugin for setuptools to build Rust Python extensions Bug#1021158: ITP: mrbuild -- Simple build system Bug#1021158: marked as done (ITP: mrbuild -- Simple build system) Bug#1021188: ITP: ovn-bgp-agent -- OpenStack virtual network service - OVN BGP agent Bug#1021191: ITP: rust-fernet -- An implementation of fernet in Rust Bug#1021191: marked as done (ITP: rust-fernet -- An implementation of fernet in Rust) Bug#1021195: ITP: rust-concread -- Concurrently readable datastructures for Rust Bug#1021195: marked as done (ITP: rust-concread -- Concurrently readable datastructures for Rust) Bug#1021199: ITP: rust-lru -- A LRU cache implementation Bug#1021199: marked as done (ITP: rust-lru -- A LRU cache implementation) Bug#1021203: ITP: node-postcss-modules -- PostCSS plugin to use CSS Modules everywhere Bug#1021204: RFP: whey -- A simple Python wheel builder for simple projects Bug#1021210: ITP: woof -- continuation of the Doom source port MBF targeted at modern systems Bug#1021212: ITP: biometryd -- biometryd mediates/multiplexes to biometric devices Bug#1021212: marked as done (ITP: biometryd -- biometryd mediates/multiplexes to biometric devices) Bug#1021224: ITP: golang-github-abiosoft-readline -- Pure Go implementation for GNU-Readline kind library Bug#1021225: ITP: golang-github-chzyer-logex -- Golang log library that supports tracking and level Bug#1021225: marked as done (ITP: golang-github-chzyer-logex -- Golang log library that supports tracking and level) Bug#1021226: ITP: golang-github-chzyer-test -- test Bug#1021228: ITP: golang-github-flynn-archive-go-shlex -- Fork of go-shlex from Google Code Bug#1021230: ITP: golang-github-abiosoft-ishell -- Library for creating interactive cli applications Bug#1021242: ITP: opentest4j-reporting -- Open Test Reporting Bug#1021242: marked as done (ITP: opentest4j-reporting -- Open Test Reporting) Bug#1021246: ITP: crowbar -- library to fuzz-test code Bug#1021261: ITP: gap-browse -- browsing applications and ncurses interface Bug#1021269: ITP: ocaml-afl-persistent -- use afl-fuzz in persistent mode Bug#1021269: marked as done (ITP: ocaml-afl-persistent -- use afl-fuzz in persistent mode) Bug#1021280: marked as done (RFP: gamescope -- Gaming utility for window upscaling and sharpening with AMD FSR 1.0, NVIDIA Image Scaling 1.0.2 or integer) Bug#1021280: RFP: gamescope -- Gaming utility for window upscaling and sharpening with AMD FSR 1.0, NVIDIA Image Scaling 1.0.2 or integer Bug#1021293: ITP: ocaml-uucd -- decode data on Unicode characters off XML Bug#1021293: marked as done (ITP: ocaml-uucd -- decode data on Unicode characters off XML) Bug#1021294: ITP: ocaml-uunf -- Unicode text normalization form library Bug#1021296: ITP: chemicaltagger -- tool for semantic text-mining in chemistry Bug#1021296: marked as done (ITP: chemicaltagger -- tool for semantic text-mining in chemistry) Bug#1021300: ITP: ocaml-uucp -- access properties of Unicode characters Bug#1021303: btllib_1.4.9+dfsg-1_amd64.changes REJECTED Bug#1021303: ITP: btllib -- Bioinformatics Technology Lab common code library Bug#1021303: marked as done (ITP: btllib -- Bioinformatics Technology Lab common code library) Bug#1021313: ITP: golang-github-aymanbagabas-go-osc52 -- Golang terminal ANSI OSC52 wrapper Bug#1021313: marked as done (ITP: golang-github-aymanbagabas-go-osc52 -- Golang terminal ANSI OSC52 wrapper) Bug#1021328: RFP: libspring-boot-java -- a radically faster getting started experience for all Spring development Bug#1021332: RFP: libjs-jquery-terminal -- A library for creating command line interpreters in your applications. Bug#1021333: RFP: node-is-ci -- Detect if the current environment is a CI server (Evacuated from NSA/Microsoft Github) Bug#1021349: RFA: wput -- tiny wget-like ftp-client for uploading files Bug#1021369: ITP: lomiri-notifications -- Lomiri Notifications - QML module Bug#1021369: marked as done (ITP: lomiri-notifications -- Lomiri Notifications - QML module) Bug#1021377: ITP: libbitarray -- library for bit arrays Bug#1021377: marked as done (ITP: libbitarray -- library for bit arrays) Bug#1021378: ITP: python-iow -- balanced parentheses tree structure Bug#1021384: ITP: low-memory-monitor -- Monitors low-memory conditions Bug#1021384: marked as done (ITP: low-memory-monitor -- Monitors low-memory conditions) Bug#1021385: ITP: GaiaXPy -- Library to facilitate handling Gaia BP/RP spectra as distributed from the Gaia archive Bug#1021386: ITP: samply -- A command line profiler for Linux Bug#1021395: ITP: jumbo -- Java library for processing CML Bug#1021395: marked as done (ITP: jumbo -- Java library for processing CML) Bug#1021396: ITP: batterylog -- laptop battery logging tool Bug#1021398: ITP: golang-github-niemeyer-pretty -- Pretty printing for Go values Bug#1021405: ITP: starjava-tfcat -- Time-Frequency Radio Catalogues parser Bug#1021409: RFP: fw-ectool -- Framework laptop embedded controller tool Bug#1021409: some findings Bug#1021411: ITP: minetest-mod-basic-robot-csm -- Minetest mod - basic robot client side mod Bug#1021411: marked as done (ITP: minetest-mod-basic-robot-csm -- Minetest mod - basic robot client side mod) Bug#1021413: ITP: lomiri-calculator-app -- Calulcator App for Lomiri Operating Environment Bug#1021413: marked as done (ITP: lomiri-calculator-app -- Calulcator App for Lomiri Operating Environment) Bug#1021433: ITP: libequihash -- memory-hard Proof-of-Work with fast verification Bug#1021437: ITP: lomiri-terminal-app -- Terminal App for Lomiri Operating Environment Bug#1021437: marked as done (ITP: lomiri-terminal-app -- Terminal App for Lomiri Operating Environment) Bug#1021451: RFP: coolreader -- cross platform open source e-book reader Bug#1021459: O: elm-mode Bug#1021460: O: elpa-rust-mode -- Major Emacs mode for editing Rust source code Bug#1021462: ITP: eglot -- Emacs client for Language Server Protocol servers Bug#1021462: marked as done (ITP: eglot -- Emacs client for Language Server Protocol servers) Bug#1021475: ITP: libgeo-coordinates-transform-perl -- Transform latitude/longitude between coordinate functions Bug#1021475: marked as done (ITP: libgeo-coordinates-transform-perl -- Transform latitude/longitude between coordinate functions) Bug#1021476: ITP: libgeo-calc-perl -- Simple geo calculator for points and distances Bug#1021476: marked as done (ITP: libgeo-calc-perl -- Simple geo calculator for points and distances) Bug#1021477: ITP: libmath-units-perl -- Perl module for measurement unit conversion Bug#1021477: marked as done (ITP: libmath-units-perl -- Perl module for measurement unit conversion) Bug#1021493: ITP: overte -- 3D social virtual worlds software Bug#1021495: ITP: lomiri-gallery-app -- Gallery App for Lomiri Operating Environment Bug#1021495: marked as done (ITP: lomiri-gallery-app -- Gallery App for Lomiri Operating Environment) Bug#1021532: ITP: liblc3 -- Low Complexity Communication Codec (LC3) Bug#1021532: marked as done (ITP: liblc3 -- Low Complexity Communication Codec (LC3)) Bug#1021535: ITP: powersupply-gtk -- Graphical power status tool for Linux mobile devices Bug#1021535: marked as done (ITP: powersupply-gtk -- Graphical power status tool for Linux mobile devices) Bug#1021553: ITP: autolink -- Autolink URL extraction library Bug#1021553: marked as done (ITP: autolink -- Autolink URL extraction library) Bug#1021554: RFP: vocal -- modern and simple podcast client Bug#1021564: RFP: openrocket -- Rocket simulation software Bug#1021568: RFP: gnome-shell-extension-unite -- makes GNOME Shell look like Ubuntu's Unity Shell Bug#1021569: marked as done (RFP: ttconv -- library and tool for converting timed text or subtitle formats) Bug#1021569: RFP: ttconv -- library and tool for converting timed text or subtitle formats Bug#1021570: RFP: antu-icon-theme -- smooth theme designed for Plasma and KDE Bug#1021572: RFP: la-capitaine-icon-theme -- icon theme inspired by macOS and Google's material design Bug#1021573: ITP: kpipewire -- KDE's Pipewire library Bug#1021573: marked as done (ITP: kpipewire -- KDE's Pipewire library) Bug#1021580: ITP: zxing-cpp -- zebra-crossing library (C++ port) Bug#1021582: ITP: python3-pytest-aiohttp -- Pytest plugin for aiohttp support Bug#1021604: ITP: httpstat -- visualize curl statistics Bug#1021609: ITP: bats-assert -- Helper library providing common assertions for Bats Bug#1021619: marked as done (ITP: lazy-loader -- load subpackages and functions on demand) Bug#1021619: RFP: python3-lazy-loader -- load subpackages and functions on demand Bug#1021626: ITP: qzxing -- Qt/QML wrapper library for the ZXing barcode image processing library. Bug#1021626: marked as done (ITP: qzxing -- Qt/QML wrapper library for the ZXing barcode image processing library.) Bug#1021681: ITP: qt6-httpserver -- Qt6 HTTP Server module Bug#1021682: ITP: qt6-speech -- Qt6 Speech support Bug#1021682: marked as done (ITP: qt6-speech -- Qt6 Speech support) Bug#1021683: ITP: qt6-quick3dphysics -- Qt6 Quick 3D Physics module Bug#1021683: marked as done (ITP: qt6-quick3dphysics -- Qt6 Quick 3D Physics module) Bug#1021693: RFP: buskill -- app for arming/disarming/configuring the BusKill laptop kill cord Bug#1021695: Correcting the rocprim ITP Bug#1021695: ITP: librocprim2-dev -- parallel primatives for GPU-accelerated code Bug#1021695: ITP: rocprim -- parallel primitives for GPU-accelerated code Bug#1021715: ITP: golang-github-crowdsecurity-dlog -- Go library to parse the Docker Logs stream (library) Bug#1021715: marked as done (ITP: golang-github-crowdsecurity-dlog -- Go library to parse the Docker Logs stream (library)) Bug#1021716: ITP: golang-ariga-atlas -- manage your database schemas with Atlas (library) Bug#1021716: marked as done (ITP: golang-ariga-atlas -- manage your database schemas with Atlas (library)) Bug#1021717: ITP: golang-github-confluentinc-bincover -- easily measure code coverage of Golang binaries (library) Bug#1021717: marked as done (ITP: golang-github-confluentinc-bincover -- easily measure code coverage of Golang binaries (library)) Bug#1021718: ITP: golang-github-crowdsecurity-grokky -- pure Golang Grok-like library Bug#1021718: marked as done (ITP: golang-github-crowdsecurity-grokky -- pure Golang Grok-like library) Bug#1021719: ITP: golang-github-jszwec-csvutil -- fast and idiomatic mapping between CSV and Go values (library) Bug#1021719: marked as done (ITP: golang-github-jszwec-csvutil -- fast and idiomatic mapping between CSV and Go values (library)) Bug#1021720: ITP: golang-github-c-robinson-iplib -- library for working with IP addresses and networks in Go Bug#1021720: marked as done (ITP: golang-github-c-robinson-iplib -- library for working with IP addresses and networks in Go) Bug#1021721: ITP: golang-entgo-ent -- entity framework for Go Bug#1021721: marked as done (ITP: golang-entgo-ent -- entity framework for Go) Bug#1021722: ITP: golang-github-r3labs-diff -- diffing library for Go structures Bug#1021722: marked as done (ITP: golang-github-r3labs-diff -- diffing library for Go structures) Bug#1021723: ITP: golang-github-hashicorp-hcl-v2 -- Go implementation of HashiCorp Configuration Language (version 2) Bug#1021723: marked as done (ITP: golang-github-hashicorp-hcl-v2 -- Go implementation of HashiCorp Configuration Language (version 2)) Bug#1021724: ITP: golang-github-crowdsecurity-machineid -- get the unique machine identifier of any host (library) Bug#1021724: marked as done (ITP: golang-github-crowdsecurity-machineid -- get the unique machine identifier of any host (library)) Bug#1021725: ITP: golang-github-alexliesenfeld-health -- simple and flexible health check library for Go Bug#1021725: marked as done (ITP: golang-github-alexliesenfeld-health -- simple and flexible health check library for Go) Bug#1021731: ITP: a-el -- functions for dealing with associative structures Bug#1021731: marked as done (ITP: a-el -- functions for dealing with associative structures) Bug#1021741: ITP: golang-github-slack-go-slack -- access the Slack API in Go (library) Bug#1021741: marked as done (ITP: golang-github-slack-go-slack -- access the Slack API in Go (library)) Bug#1021743: ITP: sugarjar -- A Git/GitHub helper Bug#1021743: marked as done (ITP: sugarjar -- A Git/GitHub helper) Bug#1021759: ITP: py-rnp -- Python bindings for librnp Bug#1021759: marked as done (ITP: py-rnp -- Python bindings for librnp) Bug#1021782: ITP: r-cran-rcppspdlog -- R package for spdlog C++ logging Bug#1021782: marked as done (ITP: r-cran-rcppspdlog -- R package for spdlog C++ logging) Bug#1021788: ITP: savvy -- conversion tool for SAV file format Bug#1021788: marked as done (ITP: savvy -- conversion tool for SAV file format) Bug#1021863: ITP: rocthrust -- ROCm port of the Thrust parallel algorithm library Bug#1021902: O: python-diaspy -- unofficial interface to the Diaspora social network (Python 3) Bug#1021903: O: sleekxmpp -- XMPP (Jabber) Library Implementing Everything as a Plugin (Python 3.x) Bug#1021929: RFP: -- foreign function interface for bash Bug#1021934: ITP: biojava6-live -- Java API to biological data and applications (version 6) Bug#1021937: more detail Bug#1021937: RFP: python3-meliae -- a library meant to help people understand how their memory is being used in Python. Bug#1021940: RFP: golang-openprivacy-libcwtch-go-dev -- libcwtch-go / C-bindings for the Go Cwtch Library Bug#1021942: ITP: golang-github-virtuald-go-ordered-json -- ordered json library Bug#1021942: marked as done (ITP: golang-github-virtuald-go-ordered-json -- ordered json library) Bug#1021949: ITP: zstd-jni-java -- JNI bindings for Zstd Bug#1021954: marked as done (RFP: git-xl -- git diff extension for Excel spreadsheets) Bug#1021954: RFP: git-xl -- git diff extension for Excel spreadsheets Bug#1021964: ITP: python-noseofyeti -- Module to create Python codec for tests using RSpec inspired DSL Bug#1021964: marked as done (ITP: python-noseofyeti -- Module to create Python codec for tests using RSpec inspired DSL) Bug#1021980: RFP: libonvif -- ONVIF client access library and tools Bug#1021982: ITP: python-dbus-fast -- Faster version of Python dbus-next Bug#1021982: marked as done (ITP: python-dbus-fast -- Faster version of Python dbus-next) Bug#1021993: ITP: swirc -- Curses ICB and IRC client Bug#1022000: ITP: clipper -- Cross-platform clipboard access in Go Bug#1022012: O: magit-annex -- git-annex subcommands for magit Bug#1022044: ITP: pytest-httpserver -- HTTP server for pytest to test HTTP clients Bug#1022044: marked as done (ITP: pytest-httpserver -- HTTP server for pytest to test HTTP clients) Bug#1022055: ITP: prometheus-ui-classic -- classic web user interface for Prometheus Bug#1022057: ITP: seqan-raptor -- pre-filter for querying very large collections of nucleotide sequences Bug#1022057: marked as done (ITP: seqan-raptor -- pre-filter for querying very large collections of nucleotide sequences) Bug#1022074: ITP: ledgerhelpers -- collection of helper programs and a helper library for Ledger (ledger-cli) Bug#1022093: git repo Bug#1022093: ITP: libqt5qxlsx -- Excel file (*.xlsx) reader/writer library for Qt5. Bug#1022099: ITP: pyproject-examples -- Example pyproject.toml configs for testing Bug#1022114: RFH: highlight -- Universal source code to formatted text converter Bug#1022125: ITP: node-cmark-gfm -- Node.js bindings to GitHub's GFM-enhanced fork of the cmark Markdown parser Bug#1022141: ITP: rust-async-attributes -- experimental language-level polyfills for Async Rust Bug#1022141: marked as done (ITP: rust-async-attributes -- experimental language-level polyfills for Async Rust) Bug#1022155: ITP: mkdocs-click -- MkDocs extension to generate documentation for Click command line applications Bug#1022155: marked as done (ITP: mkdocs-click -- MkDocs extension to generate documentation for Click command line applications) Bug#1022157: ITP: python-mpiplus -- Python GPU framework for alchemical free energy calculations Bug#1022157: marked as done (ITP: python-mpiplus -- Python GPU framework for alchemical free energy calculations) Bug#1022161: RFP: obs-backgroundremoval -- OBS Studio Plugin: Background Removal Bug#1022163: ITP: video-downloader -- Download videos from websites with an easy-to-use interface Bug#1022207: ITP: pysocks -- Lets you send traffic through SOCKS proxy servers Bug#1022212: ITP: pulsar -- Emacs package to pulse the current line after running select functions. Bug#1022213: ITP: golang-github-kr-pretty -- Pretty printing for Go values Bug#1022213: marked as done (ITP: golang-github-kr-pretty -- Pretty printing for Go values) Bug#1022236: ITP: mint-x-icons -- Mint-X icon theme Bug#1022241: ITP: rust-ureq -- simple and safe HTTP client Bug#1022243: ITP: thefuzz -- Fuzzy string matching in Python (was fuzzywuzzy) Bug#1022257: ITP: rust-socks -- SOCKS proxy clients Bug#1022257: marked as done (ITP: rust-socks -- SOCKS proxy clients) Bug#1022258: ITP: libmjson-java -- lean JSON Library for Java with a compact API Bug#1022258: marked as done (ITP: libmjson-java -- lean JSON Library for Java with a compact API) Bug#1022272: ITP: kosmindoormap -- Open Street Map indoor map renderer of for example a (large) train station. Bug#1022358: ITP: kopeninghours -- A library for parsing and evaluating OSM opening hours expressions. Bug#1022358: marked as done (ITP: kopeninghours -- A library for parsing and evaluating OSM opening hours expressions.) Bug#1022529: ITP: golang-github-ionos-cloud-sdk-go -- Go API client for IONOS Cloud Bug#1022529: marked as done (ITP: golang-github-ionos-cloud-sdk-go -- Go API client for IONOS Cloud) Bug#1022549: RFP: python-hatch-nodejs-version -- Hatch plugin for versioning from a package.json file Bug#1022713: O: gplaycli -- Google Play downloader command line interface Bug#1022715: O: libtrio -- printf and string functions Bug#1022716: O: p8-platform -- Pulse-Eight's platform support library Bug#1022717: O: pantalaimon -- E2EE aware proxy daemon for matrix clients Bug#1022718: O: ghostscript -- interpreter for the PostScript language and for PDF Bug#1022720: RFP: golang-github-cavaliergophier-grab-dev -- Go package for downloading files from the internet Bug#1022727: ITP: rust-lazy-regex -- lazy static regexes checked at compile time Bug#1022729: RFP: luau -- A fast, small, safe, gradually typed embeddable scripting language derived from Lua Bug#1022741: ITP: golang-github-scaleway-scaleway-sdk-go -- Scaleway API SDK for Go Bug#1022741: marked as done (ITP: golang-github-scaleway-scaleway-sdk-go -- Scaleway API SDK for Go) Bug#1022770: ITP: ruby-omniauth-rails-csrf-protection -- A gem that provides CSRF protection on OmniAuth request endpoint on Rails application. Bug#1022774: ITP: itinerary -- Digital travel assistant protecting your privacy Bug#1022798: duplication of library vs updating dependencies Bug#1022798: ITP: golang-github-golang-protobuf -- Go support for Google's protocol buffers Bug#1022798: marked as done (ITP: golang-github-golang-protobuf-1-5 -- Go support for protocol buffers (version v1.5.x)) Bug#1022800: ITP: dosbox-x -- DOS emulator with complete, accurate hardware emulation Bug#1022805: ITP: golang-github-cockroachdb-datadriven -- extension of Table-Driven Testing Bug#1022805: marked as done (ITP: golang-github-cockroachdb-datadriven -- extension of Table-Driven Testing) Bug#1022807: ITP: golang-github-etcd-io-gofail -- implementation of failpoint Bug#1022807: marked as done (ITP: golang-github-etcd-io-gofail -- implementation of failpoint) Bug#1022811: ITP: rust-isahc -- practical HTTP client that is fun to use Bug#1022813: ITP: rust-test-case -- macro for generating parametrized test cases easily Bug#1022813: marked as done (ITP: rust-test-case -- macro for generating parametrized test cases easily) Bug#1022819: ITP: golang-github-go-logr-stdr -- implements the logr interface from the golang-github-go-logr-logr Bug#1022819: marked as done (ITP: golang-github-go-logr-stdr -- implements the logr interface from the golang-github-go-logr-logr) Bug#1022821: ITP: r-cran-sftime -- GNU R support for simple feature objects that have a time column Bug#1022824: ITP: rust-threadfin -- thread pool for running multiple tasks on group of threads Bug#1022824: marked as done (ITP: rust-threadfin -- thread pool for running multiple tasks on group of threads) Bug#1022827: ITP: rust-rusty-pool -- self growing / shrinking ThreadPool implementation Bug#1022827: marked as done (ITP: rust-rusty-pool -- self growing / shrinking ThreadPool implementation) Bug#1022829: ITP: golang-opentelemetry-proto -- OpenTelemetry Go API and SDK - proto Bug#1022829: marked as done (ITP: golang-opentelemetry-proto -- OpenTelemetry Go API and SDK - proto) Bug#1022831: ITP: rust-futures-timer -- timeouts for futures Bug#1022831: marked as done (ITP: rust-futures-timer -- timeouts for futures) Bug#1022834: ITP: golang-opentelemetry-contrib -- Collection of 3rd-party packages for OpenTelemetry-Go Bug#1022834: marked as done (ITP: golang-opentelemetry-contrib -- Collection of 3rd-party packages for OpenTelemetry-Go) Bug#1022835: ITP: node-openpgp-pako --high speed Zlib port to Javascript. Bug#1022836: RFP: python3-gensafeprime -- generate primes with openssl Bug#1022845: ITP: super-speedy-syslog-searcher -- Speedily search and merge log file entries by datetime Bug#1022852: ITP: golang-github-aws-smithy-go -- Smithy code generators for Go Bug#1022852: marked as done (ITP: golang-github-aws-smithy-go -- Smithy code generators for Go) Bug#1022853: ITP: golang-github-felixge-httpsnoop -- capture http related metrics from http.Handlers Bug#1022853: marked as done (ITP: golang-github-felixge-httpsnoop -- capture http related metrics from http.Handlers) Bug#1022862: ITP: libsphinx -- SPHINX password storage library Bug#1022869: ITP: rocfft -- ROCm library for computing Fast Fourier Transforms Bug#1022871: ITP: rocblas -- ROCm library for basic linear algebra Bug#1022872: ITP: golang-github-blynn-nex -- lexer similar to Lex/Flex Bug#1022872: marked as done (ITP: golang-github-blynn-nex -- lexer similar to Lex/Flex) Bug#1022874: ITP: rust-microformats -- microformats parser Bug#1022874: marked as done (ITP: rust-microformats -- microformats parser) Bug#1022877: ITP: golang-github-chappjc-logrus-prefix -- text formatter based on logrus.TextFormatter Bug#1022877: marked as done (ITP: golang-github-chappjc-logrus-prefix -- text formatter based on logrus.TextFormatter) Bug#1022880: ITP: golang-github-x-cray-logrus-prefixed-formatter -- text formatter based on logrus.TextFormatter Bug#1022880: marked as done (ITP: golang-github-x-cray-logrus-prefixed-formatter -- text formatter based on logrus.TextFormatter) Bug#1022885: ITP: rust-assert-json-diff -- easily compare two JSON values and get great output Bug#1022885: marked as done (ITP: rust-assert-json-diff -- easily compare two JSON values and get great output) Bug#1022886: ITP: passt -- Unprivileged user-mode network connectivity for virtual machines and containers Bug#1022887: ITP: rust-version-sync -- ensure strings like version number match crate metadata Bug#1022888: ITP: libomp-jonathonl -- parallel programming library Bug#1022888: marked as done (ITP: libomp-jonathonl -- parallel programming library) Bug#1022889: ITP: rccl -- ROCm Communication Collectives Library Bug#1022897: ITP: rust-ws -- lightweight, event-driven WebSockets for Rust Bug#1022902: ITP: golang-github-libvirt-libvirt-go-xml -- API for manipulating libvirt XML documents The last update was on 09:50 GMT Mon Nov 07. 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