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Bug#968162: ITP: toybox -- BSD-licensed Linux command line utilities Bug#968545: marked as done (ITP: gap-hap -- Homological Algebra) Bug#970021: Provisional packaging for Aoache Arrow available Bug#970145: marked as done (O: python-mode -- Python mode for GNU Emacs and XEmacs) Bug#970393: ITP: shfmt -- Shell script formatter Bug#970428: marked as done (ITP: golang-gopkg-cheggaaa-pb.v3 -- Console progress bar for Golang) Bug#971445: marked as done (ITP: r-cran-prophet -- GNU R automatic forecasting procedure) Bug#971445: r-cran-prophet_1.0+dfsg-1_amd64.changes REJECTED Bug#972828: marked as done (ITP: calcium -- exact computation with real and complex numbers) Bug#976308: ITA: cfengine3 -- tool for configuring and maintaining network machines Bug#977115: marked as done (ITP: q2-fragment-insertion -- QIIME 2 plugin for fragment insertion) Bug#978149: ITP: pyenv -- Simple Python version management Bug#979873: marked as done (ITP: r-cran-rgooglemaps -- Overlays on Static Maps) Bug#979873: r-cran-rgooglemaps_1.4.5.3-1_amd64.changes REJECTED Bug#980136: marked as done (ITP: zutty -- high-end terminal for low-end systems) Bug#981446: RFA: logcheck -- mails anomalies in the system logfiles to the administrator Bug#982250: marked as done (ITP: mmsd-mm -- transmit and receive MMSes) Bug#982508: marked as done (ITP: locust -- Developer friendly load testing framework) Bug#982668: marked as done (ITP: ocaml-luv -- a OCaml binding to libuv) Bug#982985: RFP: multi-timer -- App to set multiple timers sequentially. Bug#984461: marked as done (ITP: fnt -- Font downloader/manager) Bug#985678: ITA: rasdaemon -- utility to receive RAS error tracings Bug#986778: marked as done (ITP: gcc-sh-elf -- GNU C compiler for embedded SuperH devices) Bug#987544: RFP: envoyproxy -- high performance C++ distributed proxy designed for single services and applications Bug#987720: marked as done (ITP: ksmbd-tools -- cifsd kernel server userspace utilities) Bug#987884: marked as done (ITP: git-autofixup -- Automatically fixup commits with related changes) Bug#989262: marked as done (ITA: triangle -- High-quality 2-D mesh generator shared library) Bug#990040: marked as done (ITP: ignition-utils -- A component of Ignition Robotics, provides general purpose classes and functions designed for robotic applications) Bug#990613: (no subject) Bug#991740: marked as done (ITP: graphql-core -- GraphQL implementation for Python) Bug#992124: marked as done (ITP: puppet-module-mistral -- Puppet module for OpenStack Mistral) Bug#992133: firebird4.0 debian packaging Bug#992361: [Python-modules-team] Bug#992361: O: python-slip Bug#992361: marked as done (O: python-slip) Bug#992494: ITP: pytest-ordering -- order execution of build-tests with pytest Bug#992737: ITP: libtools-build-clojure -- a library for building artifacts Bug#992818: marked as done (RFH: taglib -- audio meta-data library) Bug#993009: RFP: cimfomfa -- tingea library for mcl Bug#993551: marked as done (ITP: proton-caller -- Run any Windows program through Proton) Bug#993553: marked as done (ITP: myst-parser -- rich and extensible flavor of Markdown meant for technical documentation and publishing) Bug#993906: marked as done (ITP: sqlmodel -- SQL databases in Python, designed for simplicity, compatibility, and robustness) Bug#994636: marked as done (ITA: dicelab -- evaluate the statistical distribution of dice rolls) Bug#994923: marked as done (ITP: dirsearch -- A CLI tool designed to bruteforce directories and files in webservers) Bug#994936: marked as done (ITP: dmrgpp -- Density matrix renormalization group algorithm) Bug#994964: marked as done (ITP: r-cran-gargle -- GNU R utilities for working with Google APIs) Bug#994967: marked as done (ITP: r-cran-googlesheets4 -- GNU R access Google sheets using the sheets API V4) Bug#995059: marked as done (ITP: cubeb -- cross platform audio library) Bug#995227: Xephem : An interactive astronomical ephemeris for X Bug#995252: marked as done (ITP: r-bioc-drimseq -- Differential transcript usage and tuQTL analyses with) Bug#995254: marked as done (ITP: ruby-gaffe -- handles Rails error pages in a clean, simple way) Bug#995268: Proposal for the popt package adaption. Bug#995426: marked as done (ITP: textual -- TUI (Text User Interface) framework for Python inspired by modern web development) Bug#995460: marked as done (ITP: workflow -- Parallel computing and asynchronous web server engine) Bug#995517: marked as done (O: lua-penlight -- Collection of general purpose libraries for the Lua language) Bug#995519: marked as done (O: lua-rexlib -- Perl regular expressions library for the Lua language) Bug#995533: marked as done (O: lua5.2 -- Documentation for the Lua language version 5.2) Bug#995598: Enable rtw89 -- Driver for Realtek 8852AE, an 802.11ax device Bug#995607: ITP: libfreeaptx -- Free implementation of Audio Processing Technology codec (aptX) Bug#995607: ITP: libfreeaptx -- Free implementation of Audio Processing Technology codec (aptX) Bug#995607: ITP: libfreeaptx -- Free implementation of Audio Processing Technology codec (aptX) Bug#995695: marked as done (ITP: rinutils -- A C11 utilities header library) Bug#995829: marked as done (ITP: itk5 -- extensive suite of software tools for image analysis) Bug#995917: marked as done (ITP: dynarmic -- ARM dynamic recompiler) Bug#996213: marked as done (ITP: r-cran-r.devices -- unified handling of graphics devices in R) Bug#996250: marked as done (ITP: libcgif -- fast and lightweight GIF encoding library) Bug#996255: marked as done (ITP: libowasp-encoder-java -- OWASP Java Encoder Project) Bug#996339: marked as done (ITP: uxplay -- open-source AirPlay mirroring server) Bug#996376: marked as done (ITP: cifxom -- schema and toolkit for managing CIF files in XML) Bug#996459: marked as done (ITP: mallard-rng -- Mallard RELAX NG Schemas) Bug#996488: marked as done (ITP: transforms3d -- Python code to convert between various geometric transformations) Bug#996556: marked as done (ITP: gnome-shell-extension-vertical-overview -- GNOME shell extension for vertical stacked workspaces) Bug#996562: marked as done (ITP: pytest-repeat -- pytest-repeat is a plugin for pytest that makes it easy to repeat a single test, or multiple tests, a specific number of times.) Bug#996563: ITP: ifcfg -- Python cross-platform network interface discovery (ifconfig/ipconfig/ip) Bug#996638: marked as done (ITP: rime-essay -- Rime Input Method Engine preset vocabulary and language model) Bug#996646: marked as done (ITP: gnome-text-editor -- simple text editor for GNOME) Bug#996678: marked as done (ITP: stardict -- International dictionary lookup program) Bug#996701: marked as done (ITP: hcxkeys -- Tools to generate plainmasterkeys (rainbowtables)) Bug#996707: ITP: python-cattr -- Complex custom class converters for attrs Python library. Bug#996707: marked as done (ITP: python-cattr -- Complex custom class converters for attrs Python library.) Bug#996709: marked as done (ITP: rime-prelude -- Rime Input Method Engine basic configuration files) Bug#996727: marked as done (ITP: ciftools-java -- Java library to read and write CIF files) Bug#996779: marked as done (ITP: hppcrt -- High Performance Primitive Collections RealTime) Bug#996810: marked as done (ITP: rdf4j -- extensible framework for RDF and RDF Schema data) Bug#996886: marked as done (ITP: python-asyncio-mqtt -- Idomatic asyncio wrapper around paho-mqtt) Bug#996973: It is work in progress Bug#996991: marked as done (ITP: jgrapht -- Java library of graph theory data structures and algorithms) Bug#996996: marked as done (ITP: libxmlcatalog-java -- XML Catalog Management Tool) Bug#997838: marked as done (ITP: libdist-zilla-plugin-signature-perl -- sign releases with Module::Signature) Bug#998000: marked as done (ITP: pytest-skip-markers -- skip markers for pytest) Bug#998024: RFP: node-sass -- The reference implementation of Sass, written in Dart Bug#998034: marked as done (ITP: cachelib -- collection of cache libraries with the same API) Bug#998149: marked as done (ITP: libhipi-perl -- Raspberry Pi GPIO Perl Modules) Bug#998153: marked as done (ITP: polyline -- Python library to encode/decode polylines) Bug#998163: marked as done (ITP: gourmand -- A recipe manager (New name for gourmet)) Bug#998171: marked as done (ITP: lerc -- Limited Error Raster Compression library) Bug#998178: ITP: martchus-cpp-utilities -- C++ utility classes for Syncthing Tray Bug#998179: ITP: martchus-qtutilities -- Qt utility for Syncthing Tray Bug#998222: marked as done (ITP: mssql-django -- Django backend for Microsoft SQL Server) Bug#998223: Contributors for Mailman 3 in Debian / your RFH Bug#998234: marked as done (ITP: mpl-animators: An interative animation framework for matplotlib) Bug#998321: marked as done (ITP: cl-uax-15 -- Common Lisp Unicode normalization functions per Standard Annex #15) Bug#998322: marked as done (ITP: cl-global-vars -- efficient global variables in Common Lisp) Bug#998392: marked as done (ITP: node-wikibase-edit -- edit Wikibase from NodeJS) Bug#998451: marked as done (ITP: neutron-ha-tool -- additional command line utility for OpenStack Neutron HA operations) Bug#998474: marked as done (ITP: golang-github-djherbis-atime -- file access times (atime) for #golang) Bug#998614: marked as done (ITP: python-crccheck -- implementation of 170+ CRC algorithms in Python) Bug#998630: marked as done (ITP: r-cran-thematic -- unified and automatic theming for GNU R) Bug#998697: ITP: bees -- a btrfs deduplication agent Bug#998702: marked as done (ITP: persistent-cache-cpp -- Cache of key-value pairs with persistent storage for C++) Bug#998709: marked as done (ITP: golang-gopkg-macaroon-bakery.v2 -- High level operations for building systems with macaroons) Bug#998759: marked as done (ITP: golang-github-duo-labs-webauthn -- WebAuthn (FIDO2) server library) Bug#998796: marked as done (ITP: pybeam -- Python module to parse Erlang BEAM files) Bug#998813: marked as done (ITP: node-carto -- Mapnik stylesheet compiler) Bug#998847: marked as done (ITP: r-cran-wikidataqueryservicer -- GNU R API client library for 'Wikidata Query Service') Bug#998865: marked as done (ITP: jupyter-server-mathjax -- Jupyter Server extension for serving Mathjax) Bug#998905: marked as done (ITP: scikit-misc -- Miscellaneous tools for scientific computing) Bug#998906: marked as done (ITP: mdit-py-plugins -- collection of core plugins for python3-markdown-it) Bug#998906: Status? Bug#999424: marked as done (ITP: geners -- generic serialization library for C++) Bug#999432: marked as done (ITP: tkrzw-python -- Python binding for Tkrzw library) Bug#999468: marked as done (ITP: python-docxcompose -- concatenate/append Microsoft Word (.docx) files) Bug#999483: marked as done (ITP: coq-elpi -- Coq plugin embedding Elpi) Bug#999491: marked as done (ITP: libptytty -- library for OS-independent pseudo-tty management) Bug#999506: marked as done (ITP: pytest-tornasync -- pytest plugin for testing Tornado apps using native coroutine tests) Bug#999570: marked as done (ITP: libfuture-io-perl -- collection of Future-returning IO methods) Bug#999599: marked as done (ITP: liblatex-tounicode-perl -- Convert LaTeX commands to Unicode) Bug#999615: marked as done (ITP: librole-eventemitter-perl -- Perl module providing an event emitter role) Bug#999634: marked as done (ITP: qt6-datavis3d -- Qt 6 Data Visualization module) Bug#999636: marked as done (ITP: qt6-positioning -- Qt 6 Positioning module) Bug#999683: marked as done (ITP: qt6-3d -- Qt 6 3D library) Bug#999684: marked as done (ITP: qt6-5compat -- Qt 6 Compatibility module) Bug#999685: marked as done (ITP: pynput -- control and monitor input devices) Bug#999690: marked as done (ITP: qt6-multimedia -- Qt 6 Multimedia module) Bug#999784: marked as done (ITP: r-cran-sparr -- GNU R spatial and spatiotemporal relative risk) Bug#999830: marked as done (ITP: r-cran-gb2 -- GNU R generalized beta distribution of the second kind) Bug#999831: marked as done (ITP: r-cran-kernelheaping -- GNU R kernel density estimation for heaped and rounded data) Bug#999890: marked as done (ITP: qt6-tools -- Qt 6 Tools module) Bug#999892: marked as done (ITP: qt6-remoteobjects -- Qt 6 Remote Objects module) Bug#999893: marked as done (ITP: qt6-scxml -- Qt 6 SCXML module) Bug#999894: marked as done (ITP: qt6-sensors -- Qt 6 Sensors module) Bug#999896: marked as done (ITP: qt6-translations -- Qt 6 Translations) Bug#999897: marked as done (ITP: qt6-virtualkeyboard -- Qt 6 Virtual Keyboard module) Bug#999898: marked as done (ITP: qt6-wayland -- Qt 6 Wayland module) Processed (with 1 error): control Processed (with 1 error): ITP: rocm-all -- AMD Radeon Open Compute (ROCm) - A collection of utilities for GPGPU (compute) on AMD GPUs.) Processed (with 1 error): merging 1000849 956487 Processed (with 1 error): Re: Bug#997945: Please update to newer upstream Processed (with 1 error): Re: retitle to RFP: spyder-terminal -- plugin to display a virtual terminal within the Spyder IDE Processed (with 1 error): WNPP change Processed (with 1 error): your mail Processed: 1001759 Processed: [bts-link] source package wnpp Processed: Adjust bug metadata Processed: block Processed: block 1000849 with 956485 Processed: block 1002681 with 1002616 Processed: block 1002781 with 1002700 Processed: block 768073 by 1002564 Processed: block 956485 with 1000849 Processed: block 994625 with 1002617 Processed: block 996839 with 1002492 Processed: block dh by golang-github-muhammadmuzzammil1998-jsonc Processed: BTS 985678 Processed: bug 1001622 has no owner Processed: bug 381727 has no owner Processed: bug 602111 has no owner Processed: bug 641768 has no owner Processed: bug 923303 has no owner Processed: bug 926912 has no owner Processed: bug 942845 has no owner Processed: bug 991137 has no owner Processed: Bug#1002859 marked as pending in golang-github-lestrrat-go-envload Processed: Bug#691276 marked as pending in node-jasmine Processed: Bug#887376 marked as pending in node-svgo Processed: Change RFP to ITP golang-github-mikesmitty-edkey Processed: closing 981011 Processed: closing 983108 Processed: control Processed: dh-haskell: Version 0.5 is now in NEW Processed: dup ITP: golang-github-muhammadmuzzammil1998-jsonc Processed: ITP: 1oom -- Master of Orion engine Processed: ITP: aasvg -- Convert ASCII art diagrams into SVG Processed: ITP: bees -- Best-Effort Extent-Same, a btrfs deduplication agent. Processed: ITP: dh-haskell -- Debhelper build system for cabal-based Haskell packages Processed: ITP: elpa-lintian -- Examine Lintian packaging hints in Emacs Processed: ITP: fcitx5-m17n - m17n support module for Fcitx5 Input Method Framework Processed: ITP: lsb-release-minimal -- minimal shell implementation of lsb_release Processed: ITP: node-devtools-protocol -- Chrome DevTools Protocol JSON Processed: ITP: opn-cli -- CLI Interface for OPNsense Firewall using API Requests Processed: ITP: pmbootstrap -- Sophisticated chroot/build/flash tool to develop and install postmarketOS Processed: ITP: pymdown-extensions -- Extension pack for Python Markdown Processed: ITP: r-bioc-fishpond -- Fishpond: differential transcript and gene expression with Processed: ITP: r-bioc-txdb.hsapiens.ucsc.hg19.knowngene -- Annotation package for TxDb object(s) Processed: ITP: r-cran-modeest -- GNU R mode estimation Processed: ITP: r-cran-palmerpenguins -- GNU R Palmer Archipelago (Antarctica) penguin data Processed: ITP: r-cran-pammtools -- GNU R piece-wise exponential additive mixed modeling tools Processed: ITP: r-cran-pec -- GNU R Prediction Error Curves for risk prediction models in survival Processed: ITP: r-cran-publish -- GNU R format output of various routines Processed: ITP: r-cran-riskregression -- GNU R Risk Regression Models and Prediction Scores for Survival Processed: ITP: r-cran-smcfcs -- GNU R multiple imputation of Covariates by substantive model Processed: ITP: r-cran-sparql -- SPARQL client Processed: ITP: r-cran-stable -- GNU R probability functions and generalized regression models Processed: ITP: r-cran-statip -- statistical functions for probability distributions and regression Processed: ITP: r-other-ibi-disgenet2r -- an R package to query, visualize, and expand DisGeNET data Processed: ITP: rime-array -- Rime Input Method Engine schema data - array30 Processed: ITP: rime-bopomofo -- Rime Input Method Engine schema data - Bopomofo Processed: ITP: rime-cangjie -- Rime Input Method Engine schema data - Cangjie Processed: ITP: rime-combo-pinyin -- Rime Input Method Engine schema data - Combo Pinyin Processed: ITP: rime-ipa -- Rime Input Method Engine schema data - IPA Processed: ITP: rime-luna-pinyin -- Rime Input Method Engine schema data - Luna Pinyin Processed: ITP: rime-middle-chinese -- Rime Input Method Engine schema data - Medieval Chinese Processed: ITP: rime-quick -- Rime Input Method Engine schema data - Quick Processed: ITP: rime-stroke -- Rime Input Method Engine schema data - Stroke Processed: ITP: rime-terra-pinyin -- Rime Input Method Engine schema data - Terra Pinyin Processed: ITP: rime-wubi -- Rime Input Method Engine schema data - Wubi Processed: ITP: rime-wugniu -- Rime Input Method Engine schema data - Wugniu Processed: ITP: sdkmanager - Package manager for Android SDK packages Processed: ITP: sphinx-sitemap -- A Sphinx HTML extension to generate sitemaps Processed: ITP: swiftlang Processed: ITP: textarea-caret.js -- JS library to get the xy coords of a textarea or input's caret Processed: ITP: vcglib-dev -- library for manipulation, processing and displaying with OpenGL Processed: ITP: yt-dlp -- youtube-dl fork with additional features and fixes Processed: ITP: zlmdb -- Object-relational in-memory database layer based on LMDB Processed: limit package to wnpp, tagging 1001175 Processed: limit package to wnpp, tagging 1001178 Processed: limit package to wnpp, tagging 1001179 Processed: limit package to wnpp, tagging 1001184 Processed: limit package to wnpp, tagging 1001230 Processed: limit package to wnpp, tagging 679905 Processed: merging 1000849 956487 Processed: merging 997901 997903 ... Processed: O: bino -- 3D video player Processed: O: junior-doc -- Debian Jr. Documentation Processed: O: libmail-verify-perl -- Utility to verify an email address Processed: O: libmp3-info-perl -- Perl MP3::Info - Manipulate / fetch info from MP3 audio files Processed: O: mp3burn -- burn audio CDs directly from MP3, Ogg Vorbis, or FLAC files Processed: O: puppet-beaker -- test harness providing platform abstraction and VM provisioning Processed: O: pymongo Processed: O: ruby-beaker-hostgenerator -- command line utility designed to generate beaker host config files Processed: O: ruby-in-parallel -- lightweight Ruby library with very simple syntax for parallelization Processed: O: ruby-open-uri-redirections -- openuri patch to allow redirections between HTTP and HTTPS Processed: O: ruby-pry-byebug -- step-by-step debugging and stack navigation capabilities in pry using byebug Processed: O: ruby-stringify-hash -- ruby hash object that treats symbols and strings interchangeably Processed: owner 824773 Processed: owner 912160 Processed: owner 948674 Processed: owner 956487 Processed: Properly rename ITP bug Processed: pythran is required for the new release of skimage Processed: re: #747967 O: tapecalc -- a full-screen tape editor that lets the user edit a calculation Processed: Re: Bug#1001211: [RFP]: VidBox - a video processing toolbox Processed: Re: Bug#1001680: O: libmp3-info-perl -- Perl MP3::Info - Manipulate / fetch info from MP3 audio files Processed: Re: Bug#1001875: gammy: Adapt Gammy so that a user can control color temperature, control brightness, and avoid eye damage. Processed: Re: Bug#573584: marked as done (RFP: lmfit -- Levenberg-Marquardt least-squares minimization and curve fitting) Processed: Re: Bug#996707: ITP: python-cattr -- Complex custom class converters for attrs Python library. Processed: Re: ITA: cflow -- Analyze control flow in C source files Processed: Re: ITA: zvbi -- Vertical Blanking Interval (VBI) utilities Processed: Re: ITP: xerial-sqlite-jdbc -- Xerial's SQLite JDBC Driver Processed: Re: openmw is marked for autoremoval from testing Processed: Re: Processed (with 1 error): Re: Bug#997945: Please update to newer upstream Processed: Re: RFP: heaptrace -- helps visualize heap operations for pwn and debugging Processed: Re: RFP: multi-timer -- App to set multiple timers sequentially. Processed: Re: RFP: spyder-notebook -- Jupyter notebook integration with Spyder Processed: Re: RFP: tobu Tobu Girl Deluxe - FLOSS gameboy game Processed: Re: RFP: xerial-sqlite-jdbc -- Xerial's SQLite JDBC Driver Processed: Re: RFS: tapecalc/20211222-2 [ITA] [RC] -- full-screen tape editor that lets the user edit a calculation Processed: reassign 1001508 to wnpp, tagging 999781, tagging 999806, reassign 996814 to src:kdepim-addons ... Processed: Retitle #989262 Processed: retitle 1001175 to ITP: libsub-strictdecl-perl -- Detect undeclared subroutines in Perl compilation ... Processed: retitle 1001178 to ITP: liblib-relative-perl -- In Perl scripts, Add paths relative to the current file to @INC ... Processed: retitle 1001313 to ITP: python-recipe-scrapers -- simple web scraping tool for recipe sites. Processed: retitle 1001622 to RFP: groops -- software toolkit for gravity field recovery and GNSS processing Processed: retitle 1001933 to ITP: yt-dlp -- youtube-dl fork with additional features and fixes, owner 1001933 Processed: retitle 1001998 to ITP: lbreakouthd -- Ball-and-paddle game with nice graphics, owner 1001998 Processed: retitle 381727 to RFP: coreboot -- Free Software BIOS replacement Processed: retitle 602111 to RFP: octopus -- Real-space TDDFT-based electronic-structure code Processed: retitle 641768 to RFP: web-greeter -- Modern, visually appealing login Processed: retitle 691276 to ITP: node-jasmine -- DOM-less simple JavaScript testing Processed: retitle 824773 to ITP: rebar3 - build tool that makes it easy to compile and test Erlang applications and releases Processed: retitle 923303 to RFP: mlv-app -- Magic Lantern Video processing Processed: retitle 926394 to ITP: fonts-homecomputer -- vector font similar to ROM font of Commodore 64 and Amiga Processed: retitle 926912 to RFP: redasm -- OpenSource Disassembler Processed: retitle 942845 to RFP: breseq -- Find mutations relative to reference sequences Processed: retitle 948674 to ITP: otter-browser -- Fast and configurable web browser inspired by Opera 12 Processed: retitle 979400 to ITP: drs4eb -- DRS4 Evaluation Board software Processed: retitle 990610 to ITA: brandy -- BBC BASIC V interpreter, owner 990610 Processed: retitle 991137 to RFP: slurm-tools -- tools for the slurm HPC workload manager Processed: retitle 994636 to ITA: dicelab -- evaluate the statistical distribution of dice rolls Processed: Retitle bug number Processed: Retitle to RFP: Bug#1001933: ITP: yt-dlp -- youtube-dl fork with additional features and fixes Processed: RFP again Processed: RFP: go-sendxmpp -- Go package for sending single Processed: RFP: heaptrace -- helps visualize heap operations for pwn and debugging Processed: RFP: libresprite -- LibreSprite is a fork of aseprite. Processed: RFP: opensearch -- search engine, fork of Elasticsearch Processed: RFP: tobu Tobu Girl Deluxe - FLOSS gameboy game Processed: RFP: tokenize-rt -- Wrapper around the stdlib tokenize which roundtrips Processed: RFP: vidbox - a video processing toolbox Processed: RFP: webext-plasma-integration Processed: RFP: yt-dlp -- youtube-dl fork with additional features and fixes Processed: RFS: check-mk-agent/1:2.0.0p17+dfsg-4 [ITP] -- general purpose monitoring plugin for retrieving data Processed: RFS: deepin-terminal-gtk/ [ITP] -- Deepin terminal emulator application Processed: RFS: pass-audit/1.1-1 [ITP] -- Pass extension for auditing your password repository (Python library) Processed: RFS: sphinx-sitemap/2.2.0-3 [ITP] -- Sphinx HTML extension to generate sitemaps Processed: RM: libixp -- ROM; no longer used anywhere in Debian Processed: severity Processed: submitter 813024 Processed: tagging 1000208 Processed: tagging 1002616 Processed: tagging 693140 Processed: tagging 998904, reassign 1001801 to src:dogtag-pki, reassign 1001779 to wnpp ..., tagging 1001773 Processed: Take 848987 Processed: unblock 1000849 with 956485 Processed: Working build being tested Processed: your mail switches and ip phones The last update was on 23:40 GMT Fri Dec 31. 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