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Bug#926416: Info received (Got conda to build and run tests)

I fiddled with my VM and looked at a miniconda installations and
figured out how conda "normally" works.

The default behavior is to act kind of like a venv.

The conda scripts and supporting files get copied into an install
directory with a python interpreter and lib/python3 files.

That ends up setting sys.prefix in to the install directory which is
used to determine the root_prefix and thus where things will get

I was able to fake it by symlinking the debian python interpreters into
$install_dir/bin/python3.9 setting that to the shebang path and adding
this pyvenv.cfg to $install_dir

home = /usr/bin
include-system-site-packages = true
version = 3.9.7

then running $install_dir/bin/conda init bash and it updated the
scripts and added conda's shell initialization hook to the end of my

(And after all that and relogging 
conda create --name snowflake biopython
did work)

There might be another way to override the root_prefix to get this all
working. Also the /usr/bin/conda that gets installed by setup.py tries
to run conda.cli.main_pip, and it seems like maybe that should be
changed to create the $install_dir, and I think that might be
unimplemented by upstream.

And that's enough from me for today.


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