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Bug#926416: Got conda to build and run tests

I decided to go ahead and test the package in a VM and see what

Currently /usr/bin/conda will error out for commands other than init or
help, running init prompts for a sudo password, so I decided to look a
bit further into what it was trying to do.

It attempts to create the following files, if you add "-v" you can see
the diffs between whats there and what conda wants to be present

$ conda init --dry-run
modified      /usr/condabin/conda
modified      /usr/bin/conda
modified      /usr/bin/conda-env
modified      /usr/bin/activate
modified      /usr/bin/deactivate
modified      /usr/etc/profile.d/conda.sh
modified      /usr/etc/fish/conf.d/conda.fish
modified      /usr/shell/condabin/Conda.psm1
modified      /usr/shell/condabin/conda-hook.ps1
modified      /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/xontrib/conda.xsh
modified      /usr/etc/profile.d/conda.csh
modified      /usr/condabin/conda
modified      /usr/bin/conda
modified      /usr/bin/conda-env
modified      /usr/bin/activate
modified      /usr/bin/deactivate
modified      /usr/etc/profile.d/conda.sh
modified      /usr/etc/fish/conf.d/conda.fish
modified      /usr/shell/condabin/Conda.psm1
modified      /usr/shell/condabin/conda-hook.ps1
modified      /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/xontrib/conda.xsh
modified      /usr/etc/profile.d/conda.csh
modified      /home/diane/.bashrc

It looks like by default it'll try to overwrite the /usr/bin/conda
generated by setup.py with it's own script.

I'm guessing we should add some of the scripts it's trying to generate
to debian/ and install them into the package from there instead of
running their conda init.

Though I suspect some paths will still need to be adjusted as
/usr/etc/profile.d does not look like a good target.

I also really wonder how much of conda should be polluting the global
namespace since it's really intended to be used as a user level package


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