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Bug#951166: ITP: shortwave -- Find and listen to internet radio stations

Check also #debian-rust on OFTC (just download IRC client and register over IRC client on OFTC servers).

They'll give you current status of Rust packaging.

Best regards
David Heidelberg

On Sun, Aug 23, 2020 at 16:13, Willem van den Akker <wvdakker@wilsoft.nl> wrote:
Hello David,

I am also not a DD or DM.
I agree, first all cargo packages/modules have to go into Debian. Perhaps we can
ask some Rust devs how to do that. I will ask around.

Yes building it with network connection is a no-go and violation of the Debian guidelines.
I have shortwave successful runing in Testing.

I will keep in touch.


On Sun, 2020-08-23 at 16:04 +0200, David Heidelberg wrote:
Hello Willem,

you have more advanced debian/ so I'd start from your version.

Sadly, I'm not official Debian developer, so I cannot do that, we have
to find someone who will.

There will be likely many rust libs which needs to be packaged, TBH I
haven't progressed much on it.

I think we cannot upload even to experimental, when the package
download stuff while build from internet.
I'll test your build & check lintian --pedantic how it goes, but I
guess until we get everything it builds offline, it'll be issue.

Thank you
Best regards
David Heidelberg

On Sun, Aug 16, 2020 at 19:00, Willem van den Akker
> wrote:
Dobry den David,

I also have been working on shortwave and have a working package
which you can find here:

Is it possible to create a team respository so we can work as a team
on the package? There is quite a bit Rust work/libraries on which we
have to work. To much for one person.

Another probleem is the networkaccess during the build. USENETWORK
be used in the pbuilderrc because a lot of cargo must be downloaded.
However the policy prevents that any the package must be build in a
chroot (4.9).

Can you as maintainer create a team library? Then we upload the
to experimental as an starting point.

Na shledanou

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