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Bug#951166: ITP: shortwave -- Find and listen to internet radio stations

Hello Willem,

you have more advanced debian/ so I'd start from your version.

Sadly, I'm not official Debian developer, so I cannot do that, we have to find someone who will.

There will be likely many rust libs which needs to be packaged, TBH I haven't progressed much on it.

I think we cannot upload even to experimental, when the package download stuff while build from internet. I'll test your build & check lintian --pedantic how it goes, but I guess until we get everything it builds offline, it'll be issue.

Thank you
Best regards
David Heidelberg

On Sun, Aug 16, 2020 at 19:00, Willem van den Akker <wvdakker@wilsoft.nl> wrote:
Dobry den David,

I also have been working on shortwave and have a working package
which you can find here:  https://salsa.debian.org/wvdakker/shortwave

Is it possible to create a team respository so we can work as a team
on the package? There is quite a bit Rust work/libraries on which we
have to work. To much for one person.

Another probleem is the networkaccess during the build. USENETWORK must
be used in the pbuilderrc because a lot of cargo must be downloaded.
However the policy prevents that any the package must be build in a
chroot (4.9).

Can you as maintainer create a team library? Then we upload the version
to experimental as an starting point.

Na shledanou

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