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Bug#678947: Re: RFP: M64Py -- Mupen64Plus 2.0 GUI frontend written in python

On Monday 25 June 2012 21:34:06 Milan Nikolic wrote:

> Well, some of that can surely be fixed. I am not much of an expert when it
> comes to licenses but I believe I don't need source for test rom included,
> about dialog has author mentioned, links to GPL licenses and link to
> mupen64plus site where one can download source. All that info can just be
> copied to file.

No, you need to provide the sources and don't ship the prebuild binary to make 
the Debian ftpmasters happy (ok, you can also stop to ship it at all). 
Otherwise the maintainers have to remove it and create a new dfsg tarball like 
it was done with mupen64plus 1.5.

* http://anonscm.debian.org/gitweb/?p=collab-
* http://lists.debian.org/debian-legal/2009/06/msg00002.html

This is also the reason why Richard provides a tarball on bitbucket that has 
the rom removed. Btw. why do you ship it at all? It should be part of 
mupen64plus-core when the distribution allows to ship or the user downloaded 
it manually... otherwise it is just the same crap as before and it has to be 
removed anyway.

> Pygame ctypes code is included because I could not do what I wanted with
> pygames (there is no way to call SDL_JoystickUpdate, it does that
> automatically) and it has same SDL api, I forgot later to include author.
> But this is first release, and there are mistakes, my intention was not to
> still anybodies code :)

Why don't you just move to the new fork of PySDL and leave it outside of 
M64Py? It is extreme ugly for distributions to have code inside a project that 
should be separated. Just imagine that there is a security bug in one of those 
included libraries that is used by 90% of the distribution and the 
distribution maintainers have to change each package by hand.

> Yes, icons are randomly picked from google images, for many of them I am not
> sure where I got them. If someone can replace them with some proper ones
> from known icon sets that would be great. Current ones are not that good
> anyway and they don't go together. Mupen64Plus logo is also work of
> mupen64plus developers.

No, the logo is work done by Scott 'Tillin9' Knauert and he licensed it under 
the CC-BY-SA-3.0. Maybe you should now start to read the license text

> As for screenshots, I don't understand who can holds rights for screenshots
> and how come they are not free, but as I said, I am not an expert...
> Anyway, I can provide tarball with png images for download, deb package can
> patch/remove those and offer users to download tarball they can unpack to
> UserData dir, M64Py first checks there to see if image exists.

No, it is a composition of work done by other people. Therefore, it is a 
derivated work. I doubt that you got any license aggreement with the original 
authors that would make it suitable for Debian to ship this stuff. And is 
really hard for you to proof that you add enough new creativity to make this 
your work under the big topic "artistic freedom".

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