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Bug#543550: New version: 0.2.12-1

New version: 0.2.12-1

Package directory

http://logiweb.imm.dtu.dk is a mirror of http://logiweb.eu
The mirror has better bandwidth.


Sorry for the long response time. Due to retinal detachment, I have not been allowed to watch a computer screen from July 29 to October 11.


Version 0.2.12 contains corrections as requested August 1 by Jens Peter Secher. Furthermore, about half of the source code has been removed without loss of functionality and the package no longer build depends on CLISP. Version 0.2.11 essentially contained two, complete implementations of the system: a Version 0.2.x, and a Version 0.1.x for compiling version 0.2.x.

1.  When doing find -type f -exec grep Copyright '{}' ';', there are
 several other copyright notices than "Copyright (C) 2004-2009 Klaus

That has been corrected. Now everything is Copyright 2004-2010 except as noted in the 'copyright' file.

 1a.  doc/man/man7/logiweb.7 says "Copyright (C) The IETF Trust (2007)"
 and refers to BCP 78, which seems to be
 http://tools.ietf.org/html/bcp78 and looks OK to me wrt. the Debian
 Free Software Guidelines.  But this information must be incorporated
 into debian/copyright in some way; maybe debian-legal can answer how.

A note on this has been added to the 'copyright' file.

 1b.  src/lgwam.c contains RIPEMD-160 code which says "Copyright (c)
 Katholieke Universiteit Leuven" and does not seem to allow
 redistribution and thus cannot be included in the Debian archive.

The code has been replaced by code which is available on GPL-2+

 2.  The link to the GPL license in debian/copyright should be

Has been corrected

 3.  The tarball includes a src/dist with eg. executables files.  It
 would be better if it was possible to have a "clean" version of the
 tarball without the src/dist.

Now no files in src/dist are executable. I prefer to keep src/dist since it contains information typed in by hand which I think is difficult or impossible to generate automatically. The directory was originally named dist, but I moved it to src/dist for the sake of the Debian policy on this.

 4.  The Standards-Version should be updated to the current version.
 (Don't know if any changes are needed.)

Has been done. No changes seem to be needed.

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