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Bug#507436: Any progress?


Luca Venturini wrote:
>                             I was wondering if you had made any progress
> so far in packaging this application. I know that people at BioLinux
> (NEBC) have successfully packaged it and made it available in their
> repos, even if they have provided a 32 bit version only. Maybe they
> could help you finish this task - I am quite confident if I say that
> this program can be definitely useful for many people in the field.

  I'm aware of that. Unfortunately, being a researcher myself and not
yet having a stable position, time has grown short ;-)...

  One of the problems is that jalview embeds jmol, and there is still a
lot of work to be done on jmol before it can be uploaded to debian. I
still have few other things to package for jalview. Would it be
acceptable to strip jmol from jalview as a first step ? (doesn't sound
good, actually...).

  I'll get back to that work as soon as I can, but I don't promise
anything for now.

  Meanwhile, would you be interested to contribute ? I could coach you



Vincent Fourmond, Debian Developer

Some pirates achieved immortality by great deeds of cruelty
and derring-do. Some achieved immortality by amassing great
wealth. But the captain had long ago decided that he would,
on the whole, prefer to achieve immortality by not dying.
 -- Terry Pratchet, the Colour of Magic

Vincent, not listening to anything for now

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