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Bug#516351: update

On 03/21/2009 03:32:13 PM, Joop Stakenborg wrote:
> Mark,
> I seem to be having problems downloading see, it looks like your site
> is
> unreachable most of the time.
> Can you provide a mirror or maybe use a project site?
> Thanks,
> Joop

hmmm...I haven't noticed this, and I actually use a different provider 
most of the time.  Perhaps it is the date or geography?  Anyway, I may 
have somewhere, such as I will submit to sourceforge, which is very 
slow -- perhaps debian has somewhere I could ftp it, the site is only a 
few megs and all client side javascript?

I will add some kind of short web "intro to see" later this week, 
trying to demonstrate how I envision it's use particularly under GNOME.


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