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Bug#455292: Bugs blocking inclusion of SAGE in Debian

block 455292 by 480076 480071 480091 480089 480079 480095 480078
block 455292 by 480082 480086 480090 480087 480094 480096 383515 480099
block 455292 by 480088 480077 480081 480084 480085 480080 480092 480083
block 455292 by 472392 474080 474083

Work on Debianization of SAGE, coordinated as described at <http://wiki.sagemath.org/DebianSAGE>, has produced (mostly) working packages for SAGE and its dependencies.

However, I've done almost all of the packaging work for these, and I will not have time in the forseeable future to maintain these 26 packages in Debian. So, I've decided to submit RFP bug reports, rather than ITP bugs reports, for all of these. Anyone interested in maintaining any of these packages should feel free to adopt them (claim the ITP bug, grab my source packages, change the maintainer to themselves, their team, or debian-sage@googlegroups.com, fix any issues with the package they see, and upload).

I've now submitted RFP bug reports for almost all the various SAGE dependencies that are not available in Debian, and added them as blocking the packaging of sagemath (I've not submitted the bugs reports for flintqs, and linbox-wrap since they may stop existing soon). The bug reports all contain some commentary on what sorts of issues the individual packages have that need to be resolved before they can be uploaded into Debian.

Almost all the packages suffer from the description-contains-homepage and out-of-date-standards-version lintian warnings; several lack some man pages. There are also several library issues; I've noted these on the individual RFP bugs.

I've also marked various bugs in packages already in Debian as blocking including SAGE in Debian (the last line of block requests above).

	-Tim Abbott

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