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Bug#465369: GoLearn

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Hi again, Miriam,

[reorganizing quoted text a bit...]

On Tue, Feb 12, 2008 at 04:56:14PM +0100, Miriam Ruiz wrote:
>2008/2/12, Jonas Smedegaard <dr@jones.dk>:
>> On Tue, Feb 12, 2008 at 03:12:56PM +0100, Miriam Ruiz wrote:
>> >I saw that you're thinking about forking GoPlay!... wouldn't you 
>> >think it would be best to join our efforts in a more flexible 
>> >program that could handle both sets of packages, and probably be 
>> >extensible to others?

>> I am, an that was my first thought too digging into this. But...

>I'm a bit concerned that if people start to fork the whole project for 
>different kind of searches, it can get a bit out of hand. In fact, it 
>might turn into a nightmare for the security team. If the idea is to 
>have different GoSomething's available, maybe we could just take the 
>common part into a shared library and a common base package, or maybe 
>implement a tiny scripting thingie over GoPlay! to personalize it on 
>different kind of stuff.

I agree.

...but also, we'd really want to have a usable tool widely available for 
educational use _now_ rather than whenever you/we succeed in refactoring 
the code for a more general scope.

So I propose the following:

  1. Add GoLearn! to Debian

  2. Refactor GoPlay into a skinnable GoGo! tool

  4. Add GoGo! to Debian, replacing both GoPlay! and GoLearn!

How does that sound to you?

>> I am a scripter and a packager, not a real true coder. So I fear that 
>> I would be of little help in actually coding stuff - unless you'd be 
>> willing to shift from C++ to Perl as "programming" language :-)

>Don't worry about not being able to code, I'm more concerned about the 
>overall design of the program right now. Coding itself, once you have 
>clear ideas about what you want to do, is quite straightforward.

I am willing to try. I worry about the amount of time it could consume 
for me.  My brain seems to stall on new challenges sometimes... But 
let's give it a try. :-)

How do you work together? I mean, how do _we_ work together? :-)

Personally I am used to CVS and Subversion, but have recently grown fond 
of Git. And for packaging I am a big fan of CDBS (but aware of the 
recent concerns raised by Joey Hess recently in a blog entry - and have 
ideas for even better tools in the long run, but that's probably a 
separate discussion).

  - Jonas

- -- 
Jonas Smedegaard   <jonas@jones.dk>   http://www.jones.dk/~jonas/
IT-guide dr. Jones    <dr@jones.dk>   http://dr.jones.dk/    +45 40843136
Debian GNU/Linux    <js@debian.org>   http://www.debian.org/
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