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Bug#383316: [karuritosu@gmail.com: Re: Sectoid Frets on Fire tracks]

Excellent, it looks like we'll get some songs we can ship. For
reference, his songs are listed here:
http://www.keyboardsonfire.net/?songs under 'Sectoid'. They are all very

In terms of packaging, we probably want to have them as a separate
source package (I think), which produces a binary package which
fretsonfire depends on. Something like fretsonfire-data-sectoid? We
could then have fretsonfire-data-inkila in non-free for the songs from

They are both arch-all packages, so don't necessarily need to be split,
but it's a lot nicer for upgrades. This is also why I favour a split
source package, so that upgrades don't involve uploading and pushing
copies of the songs.


----- Forwarded message from Carlos Viola <karuritosu@gmail.com> -----

From: Carlos Viola <debian@matthew.ath.cx>
To: Matthew Johnson <debian@matthew.ath.cx>
Subject: Re: Sectoid Frets on Fire tracks

Ok, I´m very happy with this, as soon I lincense the songs I´ll tell you 
you can put the songs freely in Debian, it´s true honour to contribute with
your team.

More thanks.


2007/5/10, Matthew Johnson <debian@matthew.ath.cx>:
>On Thu May 10 10:31, Carlos Viola wrote:
>> Hello Matt, I´m sorry if I don´t fully understand you, my english
>> level is not too high ;) I think you're question me for the author of
>> the songs, well if it's your question I composed and played them
>> personally
>That was my question, which leads onto a further question. I hope you
>have heard of Debian (http://www.debian.org/). It's one of the more
>popular distributions of Linux. Since Frets on Fire runs on Linux, and
>is a very excellent game, we would like it included in Debian and I am
>one of the people trying to do this. However, the songs that come with
>the game we aren't allowed to use (for complicated copyright reasons).
>Therefore, I would like to use your songs as the songs which come with
>Frets on Fire on Debian. This means anyone running Debian (or
>derivatives, like Ubuntu) would see and play your songs first. The
>reason I'm asking you is that because Debian's goal is to be completely
>free for everyone to use, share and build upon; in order for this to
>happen you would need to put your songs under a free licence. Just
>putting them up on the internet doesn't actually give people permission
>to copy and use them, there needs to be a statement saying that people
>have permission.
>The best licence for Debian would be the MIT licence. Wikipedia
>describes it here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MIT_Licence, and has
>translations to a number of languages if any would be easier for you to
>understand. Also, if you would like this email translated into another
>language then I'll see what I can do; I've written quite a lot here, so
>I understand.
>Anyway, to summarise, would you be willing to licence the tracks which
>you composed, played and fretted under a free licence (such as the one
>I linked to) so that we can put them in Debian for all our users to play
>in Frets on Fire?
>Thanks a lot,
>Matthew Johnson
>Version: GnuPG v1.4.6 (GNU/Linux)

----- End forwarded message -----
Matthew Johnson

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