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Bug#322357: fail2ban debian package

Dear Baruch,

Thank you very much for your feedback and I'm sorry if I caused "sour"
feelings using a word "hijacked" :-)

> A few comments:
>  - Don't forget to close the ITP with a message to nnn-done@ once the
> package is accepted.
Sure and thank you for reminder.

>  - Moving the Python code to /usr/share is incorrect, it should be in
> /usr/lib for FHS since Python has host dependent byte code. Check and
> read the Debian Python package policy.

Well - that is actually why I've moved it to /usr/share from upstream

If the private modules would pollute the name space in sys.path, the
modules should be installed in /usr/lib/package (for architecture any)
or /usr/share/package (for architecture all). In this case, the
directory should be added to sys.path at the program startup.

and I have chosen architecture "all" because package itself is
architecture independent and doesn't have to be rebuilt for each

Indeed .pyc files are platform independent 
and a few python driven packages actually follow my
route and install  under share. And I don't see any package besides
python itself which installs python libraries under /usr/lib

sonyboy[0] /usr/share>mls */*.pyc
12 fail2ban/fail2ban.pyc             4 reportbug/checkbuildd.pyc            8 reportbug/urlutils.pyc
 4 fail2ban/version.pyc             12 reportbug/checkversions.pyc          4 wajig/bash_completion.pyc
 8 ooo2dbk/ole2img.pyc              28 reportbug/debianbts.pyc             16 wajig/changes.pyc
 4 pybliographer/pybcheck.pyc        4 reportbug/hiermatch.pyc             36 wajig/commands.pyc
 4 pybliographer/pybcompact.pyc      4 reportbug/rbtempfile.pyc             4 wajig/const.pyc
 4 pybliographer/pybconvert.pyc      4 reportbug/reportbug_exceptions.pyc  52 wajig/documentation.pyc
 8 pybliographer/pybformat.pyc      36 reportbug/reportbug.pyc             12 wajig/gjig.pyc
 4 pybliographer/pybliographic.pyc  16 reportbug/reportbug_submit.pyc      12 wajig/glutil.pyc
 4 pybliographer/pybrc.pyc          12 reportbug/reportbug_ui_gnome.pyc     4 wajig/perform.pyc
 4 pybliographer/pybtex.pyc         12 reportbug/reportbug_ui_newt.pyc     28 wajig/wajig.pyc
 8 pybliographer/pybtext.pyc        28 reportbug/reportbug_ui_text.pyc

Am I missing something? Thank you in advance for your feedback

Yaroslav Halchenko
Research Assistant, Psychology Department, Rutgers-Newark
Office: (973) 353-5440x263 | FWD: 82823 | Fax: (973) 353-1171
        101 Warren Str, Smith Hall, Rm 4-105, Newark NJ 07105
Student  Ph.D. @ CS Dept. NJIT

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