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Bug#200178: Possible ITP, but your package has problems

On Wed, 2003-07-16 at 11:39, John-Paul Gignac wrote:
> So, I just want to be clear on what exactly you need.  I would be fine
> with either renaming the debian directory as you suggested, or with
> deleting it entirely.  Are there any other changes that you would like?
> Once I've done these changes, should I make a new release that
> incorporates them?  If so, is there a particular preferred naming format
> for the release file?

Renaming or deleting is fine, yes. Also, your build script uses /bin/sh
where it should use /bin/bash. Finally, your makefile works in
/usr/share/pathological. The preferred directory would be

I haven't noticed anything else yet, but if I run across something
working on the packaging, I'll let you know.

A new release would probably be best. The naming format doesn't really
matter, but my recommendation would be pathological-1.1.3. :)

> Finally, do you know if there is any documentation available for Debian
> package upstream maintainers?

Nothing specifically for Debian upstream maintainers; obviously Debian
Policy might have useful information in it, and there's some good advice
in the GNU coding standards (not all of it, though).
Joe Wreschnig <piman@debian.org>

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