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Bug#200178: Possible ITP, but your package has problems

Hi Joe,

Thanks for the info, and thanks especially for offering to package the
game!  I'll do whatever it takes to help make the upstream source as
clean and correct as possible.

So, I just want to be clear on what exactly you need.  I would be fine
with either renaming the debian directory as you suggested, or with
deleting it entirely.  Are there any other changes that you would like?
Once I've done these changes, should I make a new release that
incorporates them?  If so, is there a particular preferred naming format
for the release file?

Finally, do you know if there is any documentation available for Debian
package upstream maintainers?

John-Paul Gignac

On Tue, Jul 15, 2003 at 05:27:07PM -0500, Joe Wreschnig wrote:
> Hi,
> I'd be happy to package Pathological for Debian (I enjoy the game very
> much), however, the package you have available on your site is for
> woody. The structure of the pygame packages has changed, and the correct
> dependency is on python2.2-pygame (or python-pygame) now.
> Since I understand your desire to keep the package working for woody,
> would you mind moving the debian/ directory in the upstream source to
> (for example) debian-woody/ ? Then the diff.gz will have debian/, and it
> can contain the modern packaging information.
> (In general, keeping a debian/ directory in the upstream source is
> considered a bad idea; it means that every time a bug is found in the
> packaging, or policy changes, you need to make a new upstream release.)
> -- 
> Joe Wreschnig <piman@debian.org>

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