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Re: dxvk requires libvulkan-1.lib + other questions

Hello Michael,

On 2018-10-18 9:39 p.m., Michael Gilbert wrote:
> On Wed, Oct 17, 2018 at 11:54 AM Alexandre Viau wrote:
> The vkd3d package is also slightly related. It is used by wine to
> implement Direct3D 12.

I'll take a look, thanks.

>> I am still not sure of the best approach for this. Maybe I should just
>> create a multi-arch package that installs only the x32 or only the x64
>> dlls to /usr/lib/triplet/dxvk instead?
> Multiarch is correct.  The dlls you mention are already shipped by the
> wine package, you can take a look at /usr/lib/triplet/wine/*.  It
> should look just like that.

Ah, so that would be

What does fakedll mean?

I'll try to see if I can get upsteam's build system to use that file.

> It looks like upstream's recommendation is to directly overwriting the
> dll files in the user's wine prefix.  It would be wrong to do this to
> the wine package's prefix, so please make sure dxvk either uses a
> separate prefix or that it overrides dlls in a way that doesn't affect
> the wine package itself (causing inevitable bug reports).

For now, I just provide a script that installs dxvk to the currently
configured WINE_PREFIX:
 - /usr/lib/dxvk/wine32-development/setup_dxvk.sh [ dxvk-wine32 pkg]
 - /usr/lib/dxvk/wine64-development/setup_dxvk.sh [ dxvk-wine64 pkg]

DXVK doesn't build with wine-stable. However, in the future, I will also
provide those too:
 - /usr/lib/dxvk/wine64/setup_dxvk.sh [ not yet ]
 - /usr/lib/dxvk/wine32/setup_dxvk.sh [ not yet ]

A typical wine gamer would probably setup one or more prefixes, and one
he would run the script in one of them to setup dxvk.

Now that DXVK is going to be in Debian, it would be great if playonlinux
or other wine front-ends could implement guis to manage the installation
of dxvk inside the prefixes that they manage.

I have just uploaded dxvk to NEW, however it is built as a native
library and not as a Windows library. Upstream supports both so I would
like for Debian to contain the two too. Apparently the native build has
some disadvantages in 32bit games.

So, DXVK would contain the following binary packages:
 - dxvk-wine32
 - dxvk-win32
 - dxvk-wine64
 - dxvk-win64

Also, DXVK provides install scripts that use winetricks. They don't
download anything on the internet, they just copy the files to the right
places. **Wouldn't this be a good reason for winetricks to be in main?**

For now, I don't ship these scripts as there are .sh scripts that do a
similar job, but they may not be supported by upstream forever, as they
indicate that the winetricks verbs are supposed to be the replacement.

Finally, should I maintain dxvk as part of the wine team? Currently, my
package is here, waiting for a better home:
 - https://salsa.debian.org/aviau/dxvk

Thanks for the pointers,

Alexandre Viau

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