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Re: [pkg-wine-party] A more basic wine-unstable package for Testing?

On Thu, Apr 24, 2014 at 8:00 AM, David Smith <sidicas2@gmail.com> wrote:

The problem that I keep having over and over with wine on Debian is that
new games come out for Windows and within 3 weeks to a month the wine
devs have got it running on the latest bleeding edge versions of wine.

Those bleeding edge versions of wine eventually make their way into the
wine-unstable package.  But the wine-unstable package targets Debian
unstable only.   So I don't actually get the chance to play it until a
solid year or two later.

Now I do all my linux gaming on Debian stable and that works just great.
So it seems silly to me that I would have to upgrade my entire OS just
to run an unstable version of wine which provides the option to run a
handful of bleeding edge games.

At first I started working on backporting the wine-unstable package to
Wheezy just to see if it was possible.  But then I ran into the problem
of needing to backport a bunch of other packages (SANE lib, libgphoto2,
OpenCL, LDAP, CAPI, CUPS, etc.).. Which really aren't needed for gaming.

While wine does need these dependencies, it intentionally does not use bleeding edge features from those projects. It should work with version of those packages in stable (untested).
So then I figured maybe it would be better to try to create a new wine
package that was more minimal but newer.   I just called it
"wine-gaming".  I started working on that but then I realized somebody
had already done this for Debian Stable and had a package they were
posting on the Internet that installed wine 1.7.17 to /opt on a Debian
Stable system.  I'll refrain from posting the link because I'm not sure
that website is particularly credible but it can be found with a google

But really, it seems like a good idea to me.  I don't run wine very
often and I only use it for gaming.  Would it not make sense to have a
wine-gaming package that was basically wine-unstable but with less
build-deps to make it easier to backport and targeted at Debian Testing
& Debian backports?

I don't think so.
But then I guess it would eventually end up in Debian Stable and of
course any bleeding edge version of wine probably doesn't belong
there... But it would sure be nice if I get an unstable version of wine
that was packaged for Debian Stable.  You know what I mean?

Unless I'm missing something, the only way to get wine-unstable on your
system is to run Debian unstable.  I'd think most gamers would prefer as
stable of a system as possible so on the one hand they want to avoid
debian unstable, but when it comes to wine they really have no choice
but to run the wine-unstable version.

In a way it feels like no matter what they do there just isn't a good
solution for these users.

I guess you could say the best solution is to just use 3rd party repos.
Maybe that is true, but I'm not sure if I want to put a lot of trust in
3rd party repos and was wondering if anybody had any better ideas?


pkg-wine-party mailing list


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